Su gran momento iluminado le aconteció el día en que por poco y se deshace de sus amistades tóxicas. Aquellos que siempre están como si fuésen bomba de tiempo para causarte un daño o algún coraje. Cuando no debido a su maldad, a su intrínseca estupidez o a causas inertes que se gestaban en éstos seres que de una forma u otra se las ingenian para hacerte la trastada.
Tuvo un amigo quien a pesar de no ser mal intencionado, no fallaba en echar a perder algún negocio por no presentarse en el momento clave, o por hablar de más dando información que afectaba adversamente cuando no por actos de extrema torpeza en que derramaba el café en los contratos que estaban por firmarse, o se bajaba del coche antes de que te detuvieras para efusivamente saludar a un conocido que pasaba, con el consiguiente resultado de destruír la puerta del auto.
Un buen día casi decide cortar con ésta amistad para siempre, al hacer suma de todos los recuerdos que implicaban el riesgo de hacerle estallar el hígado por recibir tanto derrame de bilis, pero a la vez llegó el momento eureka.
De ahí en adelante se las ingeniaba para relacionar al amigo éste con sus enemigos. Al tiempo siempre llegaban a sus oídos los lamentos y berrinches que el susodicho había provocado.
Dicen que la venganza es un plato frío, más no implica que no hay que esmerarse en su preparación.
His moment of light arrived on the day he almost got rid of his toxic frienships. Those who are always around you as if they're some sort of time bomb to set up your anger and make your mouth foam at the way they sinchronize their actions with screwing up something important or valuable. With deeds that were no always ill intentioned but nevertheless with fatal results.
He had a friend that embodied the sum of what they call an accident waiting to happen.
You could count on him to spoil a bussiness venture by not showing up in the key moment to do some key function that had been entrusted in his care, or by loose lips, or simply for jumping out of yor car before you parked it with the result of smashing the door or some other clumsy action like spilling the cofee on the contacts at the moment they were about to be signed.
Musing on all of this he almost decided to end the friendship forever at the memory of countless occasions that risked his mental sanity and had his liver cooked at medium rare from spilling so much bile.
But an epiphany of the mind arrived with an eureka moment.
From then on he would plot out a way to get him associated with his enemies. Shortly after he would delight at the moaning and groaning that came to his ears with descriptions of the events that now happened to them.
They say vengeance is a plate that should be served cold. But by no means without all the dressings.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
FORMULA. © Carlos de la Parra. micro. versíones ESPAÑOL---ENGLISH version, scroll down to read.
---Doctor, me temo que su exceso de confianza en llevar a cabo experimentos genéticos falló ésta vez.
El pollo gigante que desarrolló usted para alimentar a 200 personas se acaba de tragar al asistente.----
----Cálmese, Godínez. No es nada que no se resuelva con un buen laxante.----
---Doctor. I think you were overconfident in completing the genetic experiment this time.
That giant chicken you developed that can feed 200 persons just swallowed your assistant.---
----Chill out, Williams. It's nothing that won't get solved with a good laxative.----
El pollo gigante que desarrolló usted para alimentar a 200 personas se acaba de tragar al asistente.----
----Cálmese, Godínez. No es nada que no se resuelva con un buen laxante.----
---Doctor. I think you were overconfident in completing the genetic experiment this time.
That giant chicken you developed that can feed 200 persons just swallowed your assistant.---
----Chill out, Williams. It's nothing that won't get solved with a good laxative.----
Thursday, June 20, 2013
MENTAL.© Carlos de la Parra. micro. versión ESPAÑOL seguida por---ENGLISH version, just scroll down.
Timoteo tuvo una disputa con el psiquiatra debido a que éste médico se negaba a aceptar que él se comunicaba con los animales por telepatía. Se escucharon las voces y los gritos hasta la recepción y ésto concluyó con un Timoteo furioso quien le dijo que de ése momento en adelante sólamente se comunicarían teniendo como intermediario a una rebanada de queso.
Ahora mismo tienen al joven paciente detenido en la estación de policía por amenazas cumplidas pues al salir el doctor hacia su coche fué embestido por una manada de vacas quienes causaron su muerte.
Él insiste que los animales hicieron ésto por cuenta propia y que su persona no tuvo nada que ver, pero pidió un bocadillo de queso. En éste momento la policía lo espía para ver si el queso le dice algo.
Timothy had an argument with the psychiatrist due to this doctor's non acceptance of the fact that he could communicate with animals through telepathy. The yelling could be heard all the way to the reception area and this ended on Timothy shouting out that they're no longer on talking terms and that from that moment onwards they would have any further contact through a slice of cheese.
Right this minute the young patient remains in detention at the police station on charges of carrying out threats, but in the meantime he ordered a cheese sandwich. The police currently spies on him to find out if the sanwich tells him anything.
Ahora comente en la señalita que apenas se ve de google +. Gracias
Comment on the barely visible + sign
ver blog gemelo en mi perfil
see twin blog on my profile.
Ahora mismo tienen al joven paciente detenido en la estación de policía por amenazas cumplidas pues al salir el doctor hacia su coche fué embestido por una manada de vacas quienes causaron su muerte.
Él insiste que los animales hicieron ésto por cuenta propia y que su persona no tuvo nada que ver, pero pidió un bocadillo de queso. En éste momento la policía lo espía para ver si el queso le dice algo.
Timothy had an argument with the psychiatrist due to this doctor's non acceptance of the fact that he could communicate with animals through telepathy. The yelling could be heard all the way to the reception area and this ended on Timothy shouting out that they're no longer on talking terms and that from that moment onwards they would have any further contact through a slice of cheese.
Right this minute the young patient remains in detention at the police station on charges of carrying out threats, but in the meantime he ordered a cheese sandwich. The police currently spies on him to find out if the sanwich tells him anything.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
RETRO.© Carlos de la Parra. micro. version ESPAÑOL---English version scroll down.
La joven campesina tenía una cara preciosa y un cuerpo que literalmente paraba el tráfico. Ella pasaba todos los días por una bodega donde un joven flaco, más bien malnutrido y ojeroso andaba con la nariz metida en los libros del lugar que parecía ser un laboratorio químico por tantas vasijas y aparatos con tuberías de cristal.
En una ocasión él la sorprendió mirando por la ventana y quedó prendado de su belleza y no sólo abrió su corazón a Domitila sino también sus libracos plenos de misterios insospechados por ella.
Con paciencia Beltrán Amador le mostró en los libros de biogenética las láminas de células madre y su plan para producir a un ser humano en el laboratorio, y para completar sus esfuerzos la contrató como asistente y aprendiz.
Pero la realidad es que Beltrán era un mitómano quien se hacía pasar por científico y su ocupación actual era la de vendedor de enciclopedias y el equipo de laboratorio había sido abandonado por un anterior inquilino de la bodega quien falleció y al cual actualmente le daba uso para preparar café.
Sin embargo él y Domitila lograron producir seres humanos, pero a la antigüita.
The young lass from the rural area would always walk by the old warehouse in the countryside. Her ravishing beauty literally stopped traffic on the roads. She would peek through the window to observe that skinny and scrawny young man who kept his nose inside the books in this place that appeared to be a laboratory, because of all the tubings and bottles and crystal paraphernalia that was on the tables.
On one occasion he caught the moment she had just stared through the window and immediatly fell in love at the sight of Jeannie so he opened his heart to her and also the books that revealed his partakings in experiments that would lead to his production of human clones in the lab. So Melvin McCrombie right then and there hired her as his assistant and apprentice at the lab to further his accomplishments and keep her close by.
But the reality of this situation was that Melvin was delusional and passed himself off for a scientist when in fact he was an encyclopedia salesman and all the lab equipment in his dwelling had been abandoned there by the deceased previous tenant, and which he currently used to prepare coffee.
Nevertheless, he and Jeannie managed to produce human beings the old fashioned way.
En una ocasión él la sorprendió mirando por la ventana y quedó prendado de su belleza y no sólo abrió su corazón a Domitila sino también sus libracos plenos de misterios insospechados por ella.
Con paciencia Beltrán Amador le mostró en los libros de biogenética las láminas de células madre y su plan para producir a un ser humano en el laboratorio, y para completar sus esfuerzos la contrató como asistente y aprendiz.
Pero la realidad es que Beltrán era un mitómano quien se hacía pasar por científico y su ocupación actual era la de vendedor de enciclopedias y el equipo de laboratorio había sido abandonado por un anterior inquilino de la bodega quien falleció y al cual actualmente le daba uso para preparar café.
Sin embargo él y Domitila lograron producir seres humanos, pero a la antigüita.
The young lass from the rural area would always walk by the old warehouse in the countryside. Her ravishing beauty literally stopped traffic on the roads. She would peek through the window to observe that skinny and scrawny young man who kept his nose inside the books in this place that appeared to be a laboratory, because of all the tubings and bottles and crystal paraphernalia that was on the tables.
On one occasion he caught the moment she had just stared through the window and immediatly fell in love at the sight of Jeannie so he opened his heart to her and also the books that revealed his partakings in experiments that would lead to his production of human clones in the lab. So Melvin McCrombie right then and there hired her as his assistant and apprentice at the lab to further his accomplishments and keep her close by.
But the reality of this situation was that Melvin was delusional and passed himself off for a scientist when in fact he was an encyclopedia salesman and all the lab equipment in his dwelling had been abandoned there by the deceased previous tenant, and which he currently used to prepare coffee.
Nevertheless, he and Jeannie managed to produce human beings the old fashioned way.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
BETHOVEN.© Carlos de la Parra. micro flash versión ESPAÑOL---ENGLISH version, scroll down to read. VER BLOG GEMELO A TRAVÉS DEL PERFIL---See twin blog through profile
Al fallecer Ludwig van Bethoven en 1827 se encontraba a media hora de crear el hip hop. Ésta pequeña diferencia en tiempo demoró la existencia de éste ritmo durante más de 143 años.
When Ludwig van Bethoven's passing took place in 1827 he was only half an hour away from inventing hip hop. This tiny time lapse delayed the existence of this rythm through over 143 years.
When Ludwig van Bethoven's passing took place in 1827 he was only half an hour away from inventing hip hop. This tiny time lapse delayed the existence of this rythm through over 143 years.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
VEGETARIANIS.©Carlos de la Parra. versión ESPAÑOL micro---ENGLISH version. micro.
---¿ Qué porqué soy vegetariano.? Hombre, yo diría que viene de complejo de culpa. Cuando de niño era yo carnívoro y me fuí comiendo a toda la familia. Pásame las zanahorias al horno, están deliciosas. Gracias.----
---Oh, you asked why am I vegetarian? It's all about guilt. In early childhood I was carnivorous and went on to eat my entire family. Pass the baked carrots, they're yummy. Thanks.----
---Oh, you asked why am I vegetarian? It's all about guilt. In early childhood I was carnivorous and went on to eat my entire family. Pass the baked carrots, they're yummy. Thanks.----
Saturday, June 1, 2013
TROPICAL. © Carlos de la micro de una frase.versión ESPAÑOL---ENGLISH version. one sentence mini flash story. Pinchar en perfil para ver mi blog gemelo. Clic down to read english version and find my twin blog on my profile.
---Les informo acerca de algo que pocos han llegado a pensar, no obstante que desde hace siglos tenemos conocimiento de que las ballenas son mamíferas; es el porqué nadie ha comercializado la leche de ballena, o ha elaborado queso o mantequilla de ballena. Tengan en consideración que resulta difícil y costoso ordeñar ballenas, y se corre el riesgo de que sepa mucho a pescado.Sin embargo quedamos en la ignorancia del beneficio nutritivo y médico que pudiera derivarse de ésto. Lamento verme obligado a forzarles a punta de pistola a ordeñar ésa ballena. No llore Jiménez, ésto se está transmitiendo en vivo y nos hace quedar mal a todos.---
---I would like to inform you about a thought that has seldom appeared in anyone's mind. In spite of the fact that we had the knowledge through centuries that whales are mammals; How come no one has developed whale cheese or butter? You must consider that it may be extremely difficult and costly to milk a whale, and there is a risk of having the product taste fishy. Nevertheless we ignore to this day ,the medical or nutritional benefit of this. I'm sorry this matter turned out to make me force all of you to milk this whale at gunpoint.
Stop crying , Smithers, we're on live TV and you make us all look bad with your whining.---
---I would like to inform you about a thought that has seldom appeared in anyone's mind. In spite of the fact that we had the knowledge through centuries that whales are mammals; How come no one has developed whale cheese or butter? You must consider that it may be extremely difficult and costly to milk a whale, and there is a risk of having the product taste fishy. Nevertheless we ignore to this day ,the medical or nutritional benefit of this. I'm sorry this matter turned out to make me force all of you to milk this whale at gunpoint.
Stop crying , Smithers, we're on live TV and you make us all look bad with your whining.---
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