-----Papá. ¿Como hacen los pulpos voladores para comerse a las palomas submarinas?----
-----Al ajillo, hija. No hay otra forma.----
----Daddy. How do flying octopuses eat underwater pigeons?---
----Fried in garlic sweetie. There is no other way.----
Más abajo se relata muy a fondo otra realidad, que tampoco es lo que aparenta.
Requería más lectores pero el deficit de atención del lector promedio ya no soporta una página entera.
Scroll way down for the English version of another reality. Not what it appears to be.
It required more readers but attention deficit in the average citizen makes them not capable of reading one full page.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
VERBAL COMMANDO. © Carlos de la Parra.versión ESPAÑOL===ENGLISH version scroll down to read and comment.
Para su fortuna el jeep levantaba una cortina de polvo en la fuga mientras lo perseguían dos helicópteros. Al llegar al cementerio que estaba junto a la granja saltó del vehículo y se ocultó bajo una carreta abandonada. Había dedicado su vida entera luchando contra la inexactitud. En particular la inexactitud en el internet. Cualquier instancia en la cual advirtiése que se posteaba algo así, de inmediato dejaba todo para comentar como en realidad debiera ser o decirse algo con toda precisión.
Había perdido muchos amigos en el ciberespacio por ésta causa, más no le importaba, al fin que ni les conocía personalmente. Pero éste hombre falló en prever el futuro de las redes y por consiguiente que la inexactitud acabaría militarizándose. Ahora que se aprestaban a bombardearlo ya era demasiado tarde. Pero tuvo que huir de la casa pues su madre quería forzarlo a dedicarse a proctólogo.
He was fortunate to be concealed by the dust curtain the jeep raised as he fled through the dirt road. He was being chased by two helicopters. Upon arriving at the cemetery he ditched the vehicle and hid under an abandoned hearse. He had dedicated his whole life to combat inaccuracy. In particular anything inaccurate posted on the internet. Whenever he noticed the slightest wrong in any posting he would stop whatever he might be involved in and proceed to correct the issue. This caused him to loose many a friend and acquaintance in cyberspace, he could not care less since he had never met them. But this man failed to foresee the future of social networking and the consequence of inaccurate people becoming militarized. Now it was too late when they were about to drop bombs on him. But he had to run away from home in the past when his mother tried to force him to become a proctologist.
Había perdido muchos amigos en el ciberespacio por ésta causa, más no le importaba, al fin que ni les conocía personalmente. Pero éste hombre falló en prever el futuro de las redes y por consiguiente que la inexactitud acabaría militarizándose. Ahora que se aprestaban a bombardearlo ya era demasiado tarde. Pero tuvo que huir de la casa pues su madre quería forzarlo a dedicarse a proctólogo.
He was fortunate to be concealed by the dust curtain the jeep raised as he fled through the dirt road. He was being chased by two helicopters. Upon arriving at the cemetery he ditched the vehicle and hid under an abandoned hearse. He had dedicated his whole life to combat inaccuracy. In particular anything inaccurate posted on the internet. Whenever he noticed the slightest wrong in any posting he would stop whatever he might be involved in and proceed to correct the issue. This caused him to loose many a friend and acquaintance in cyberspace, he could not care less since he had never met them. But this man failed to foresee the future of social networking and the consequence of inaccurate people becoming militarized. Now it was too late when they were about to drop bombs on him. But he had to run away from home in the past when his mother tried to force him to become a proctologist.
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