Sunday, January 26, 2014

DILETTANTE.© Carlos de la Parra. versión ESPAÑOL---ENGLISH version scroll down to read and comment.

Bernardo contemplaba la danza de la docena de mujeres desnudas, cada una poseedora de descomunal belleza y estatuario cuerpo, absorbiendo el amor y cambiando sonrisas en éste cotidiano trance musical que vivían en el terrazón que daba al jardín de la casa de campo.
Durante sus viajes a cada una la había conquistado y convencido de formar parte de éste delicioso harén dentro de un ámbito libre de celos y guiándoles a conformar una familia superfuncional.
Al visitarle, su primo Ramiro miró boquiabierto ésta escena y le preguntó porque razón necesitaba tantas mujeres. Bernardo se limitó a contestar:
----Las adoro. Otros tienen peces.----


Bernard sat in contemplation of the dance performed by the dozen nude beauties, each of them possessing a statuesque body,  an exchange of smiles flowed through this daily ritual musical moment they experienced at the terrace that overlooked the garden of the countryside home.
During his travels he conquered them one at a time and  convinced them to be part of his personal commune, and to share the love devoid of jeaolousy as they formed part of a family that could only be described as superfunctional.
His cousin Ron was visiting, and upon witnessing this he asked why he needed to have so many women. Bernard replied.
---I adore them. Others have fish.---

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

UNIVERSAL. © Carlos de la Parra. versión ESPAÑOL---ENGLISH version,scroll down to read and comment.

Frente al sabio del volcán, Gilifonte recibió la réplica a su pregunta que pedía escuchar cual era la última verdad. Quedó insatisfecho ante la respuesta de que tal cosa no existe al no haber un final en la naturaleza.

---Todo instante es efímero y a la vez infinito. Mejor dedícate a trabajar y apórtale algo al mundo y  deja por la paz lo que no comprendes.--- dijo el sabio.

---Bien,pero ésta verdad no me impide trabajar en contra de lo adverso.---

----Así es. Tampoco impide que lo adverso funcione en tu contra.---

Escuchando ésto, Gilifonte quedó tal como estaba antes de preguntar y comentó.

---Por lo visto, estamos jodidos.---

---Lo están ustedes, yo no.--- respondió el sabio.


As he faced the wise man from the volcano, Hemorrondious heard the reply to his request to know the ultimate truth. He was not pleased by the answer which stated such thing to be non existing as nature has no end.

---Each instant is both ephimerous and continuous at once and made of infinite nature.
It would serve you best to work. Get a real job and you will do more for the world and avoid a mental meltdown.---
---Right,but awareness of such truth won't stop me in fighting adversity.---
---Neither will it stop adversity from fighting you.---
Upon such words,all Hemorrondious could mutter was.
---We are all screwed, really.---
---Speak for yourself.---

Friday, January 10, 2014

CATALINA.copyright Carlos de la Parra. versión ESP--ENG. version follows,scroll down to read and comment.

---- Catalina,yo la amo.---

----Me molesta su voz.---

----Sabiendo esto, me amputaré la garganta.----

----También me molesta su mirada.----

----Pues me sacaré los ojos.----

-----No me basta. Y es que su persona entera me desagrada.----

----Me mataré entonces.---

----No exagere, suficiente con que se vaya.----


---- I'm in love with you, Catalina.---

----Please leave. The mere sound of your voice annoys me.----

----Then I shall amputate my throat.----

----I hate it when you look at me.-----

-----So I will gouge my eyes out.---

----Not enough. I despise you entirely as a person.----

----I have no choice then but to kill myself.----

-----Don't exaggerate. It will suffice if you leave.---