En el pequeño pueblo del estado de Colorado donde yo vivía atribuíamos que la paz reinaba al hecho de que la mayoría andábamos armados, y ésto producía una forma de cauteloso respeto entre todos.
Sin embargo vivíamos el síndrome de "pueblo chico ,infierno grande", y nos aburríamos pasmosamente en ésta axila del universo.
Llegaron los tiempos en que se comenzó a hablar de prohibir el que todo mundo anduviése armado, y se instaló una feria del armamento que fué un éxito de ventas con motivo de prevenir que viniése un alto a éste comercio en especial con referencia a rifles de asalto.
El vernos a tantos reunídos, nos trajo a tema que ahí jamás pasaba nada de interés. Formamos dos equipos como en el paintball, sólo que con proyectiles verdaderos. Las explosiones hicieron rugir el aire con el canto de la bestia magnífica que poblaba la conciencia colectiva. Jamás nos habíamos divertido tanto.
Lo último que recuerdo es que yo moría en una ambulancia.
Dicen ahora que no son las armas las que matan sino las personas.
¿ Porqué tienen tanto miedo a un mundo sin armas?
¿Acaso el negocio de la guerra no puede substituirse con uno de paz?
No mientras tengamos minorías al mando.
In my small town in Colorado everyone carries weapons openly. Rarely any violence takes place, folks seem to understand that respect to others keeps it nice and peaceful.
Nevertheless we were part of that syndrome that states, "small town ,big hell".
Go figure why never anything happened there, and the boredom bred anxiety that fed specially on the youth in this armpit of the universe.
With news of mass killings taking place throughout the whole country, the government expressed concern about the population's right to bear arms, and when all of this was going on arms sales increased out of control. I remember a weapon's fair that came to town, they just about sold out. With so many of the locals together in one spot, the conversations derived into the subject of what a boring place it was to live there, one thing led to another, and before you knew what, we had all split into combat units similar to the ones that play paintball, only big difference that we had real firepower and willing to end it only when there was one last man standing.
As all hell broke loose, the explosions roared out the song of the beast of insatisfaction that was sick of it all.
The last thing I remembered is dying inside an ambulance, as I still held on to the thought that we had never had so much fun before.
Now it's all over the press that weapon's don't kill people, but it's people that kill others.
Why is humanity afraid of an unarmed world?
Could it not be possible that the bussiness of war be replaced by a bussiness of peace?
Not while the minorities with powerful interests still rule.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
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