Saturday, February 27, 2010


clic hacia abajo en español.
He had flunked at everything .Studying,painting,working,bussiness,love ,writing.That was his worst,yeah writing.But he tried hard and filled thousands of pages,and sent them to editors all over the country.
One day somebody sent one of his books to production due to an error.And then to the bookstores.
The critics tore him apart.He got invited to tv talk shows,where he got violently aggressive punching  his detractors.One of them yelled at him that he should learn spelling before writing more trash.He countered saying that wasn't necessary since his readers didn't know how to spell either.His books began climbing into the best seller lists.Actually his pieces were quite idiotic in a stupid way.Now he started showing up totally drunk and wasted at tv interviews and other massive events.His book sales continued to climb,although no one would read them.They were truly unreadable.More like a lunatic's rant than to literature.But there was always a good line lost somewhere in his material,and that line would be quoted to exhaustion,and in turn would sell more books.It got to the point where it was a fashionable must to have his books,in spite of the fact that he no longer had any readers.He got the writer's lifetime achievement prize.He had arrived.

ahora ,en español.
Había transcurrido su vida entera como un perdedor.Fracasó en todo.En los estudios,en los empleos,en el amor,en el trabajo,en la pintura y hasta en la literatura.Especialmente en ésta última actividad.Pero a el le gustaba escribir,pues ahí podía expresar todas sus barrabasadas sin que nadie lo calláse como en el café con los amigos.Y escribió,más y más,llenando miles de cuartillas,las cuales incansablemente enviaba a diferentes editores por todo el país.Y por error de alguien en una casa literaria muy poderosa,un libro de él fué publicado y enviado a todas las tiendas y librerías.Los críticos hicieron reseñas vitriólicas,destazando todo lo referente a su autoría.Empezó a ser invitado a programas de comentarios en la tele y ahí era común que se lanzara a violentos golpes contra sus detractores.A un eminente profesor de literatura,quién causó su ira por decir que primero aprendiése ortografía antes de escribir libros;se le lanzó encima gritándole que si de verdad el sabía todo,a ver cómo se quitaba ésa golpiza que comenzó a darle.Y se armó un peleón que causó que lo invitasen a más programas y entrevistas.Luego le dió por llegar a las presentaciones borracho y fumigado como araña aplastada.Y las ventas de sus libros siguieron al alza.Y éso que sus escritos eran pésimos.Más bien parecían delirios de un lunático que lecturas de ficción.Pero no faltaba que algún publicista encontrase una frase rescatable de él,porque la empezaban a repetir todo el día en los medios.En realidad ya no había nadie que leyera sus obras,pero era un fenómeno de moda tener libros de él aunque fuesen unicamente para adornar los estantes.Precísamente cuando atravesaba por ésta etapa,lo nombraron autor del año,por su larga trayectoria en las letras.Había llegado.
                                         THE END.---FIN---clic on comments give your opinions.Opine,gracias.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Micro story about spies---Micro relato acerca de espías. Copyright Carlos de la Parra. All stories in this site are bilingual.Clic through and you will find twin sites.Go to profile and clic through.

That beautiful spring morning his boss issued him a license to kill.He had a top clearance;he could now kill anyone no questions asked.Right then and there,he shot his boss in the head and called the cleaners.He never liked the bastard anyway.

Esa hermosa mañana de primavera,su jefe lo habilitó con una licencia para matar.Ahora él podía matar a cualquiera y no habría investigación.Ahí mismo le disparó a su jefe y llamó a los limpiadores.El bastardo nunca le había caído bien .
                                                THE END---FIN---Haga clic por perfil y encuentre dos sitios gemelos.
Más micro relatos y localize más sitios increíbles.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

COMMENTS CONTEST----CONCURSO DE COMENTARIOS.  opens it's 2010 contest for comments on our posts.
Winners will be announced at the end of each month,and the winner for the best comment of the month will in turn receive a comment on each of his posts.And a link for his/her blog will be published here.
The criteria for awards will be based on brilliance and wit of comments.
All the stories are published in english and spanish versions.Clic on comment at the end of each story you wish to review or opine on.
You may place as many opinions as you want to increase your chances of winning.  declara abierto su concurso 2010 para comentarios en cada uno de nuestros posts.
Los ganadores serán anunciados a final de cada mes y como premio recibirán un comentario en cada post que tengan en su blog.Además aquí publicaremos un vínculo para enviarle tráfico a su blog.
El criterio para premiar estará basado en brillantez y agudeza de los comentarios.
Todos los relatos vienen en ambas lenguas;inglés y español.
Puede poner todos los comentarios que guste para aumentar probabilidades de ganar.
Al final de cada relato,haga clic en comments,y dé su opinión o crítica de los que sean de su agrado.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

THE READERS PLACE TO COMMENT---EL SITIO DE COMENTARIO DE LOS LECTORES. copyright Carlos de la Parra.Sigue versión en español.

For a  good period of years, the writer used the comments from his readers as a tool to help him polish the quality of his narratives.And as to this matter he had at his disposal great experts,who were more than glad to discuss their views on his work,being that he was a famous writer,they felt flattered by all the attention he showered upon them.He wrote them letters,treated them to banquets and held meetings where he charmed them with his mastery of both the spoken and the written word.
But as he advanced in this endeavour of improving his writing a constant notch above the previous work,he reached such a standard of perfection that his readers would only praise all he did since he had upgraded his quality to unsurpassed heights,and he realized at this point that he was all alone as his own reader.
So he laboured on reading and rereading,writing and rewriting to exhaustion.When he published these superb books,he swept away all the major literary prizes that mattered,his stardom had grown tenfold.And then he arrived at the same feeling of despair that Alexander the Great had reached when there was no more world to conquer,and thus came to a neurotic conclusion,that it was so much praise and applause and basking in glory that prevented his advance ,so now he must sabotage himself to find a way to set his own bar higher.
To do this he figured out a way to write something so complicated about the human mind that writing this piece he went mad,and the results on paper were so undecipherable and senseless,that at the end even he could not understand what he had written.He died shortly before it was published.The critics loved it.
                                                            THE END. next,spanish version as promised.

Durante gran parte de su carrera,el escritor había utilizado los comentarios de sus lectores,como herramienta para ayudarse a pulir la calidad de su narrativa.
Y para éste menester contaba con lectores de suma pericia,grandes expertos,quienes gustosos le brindaban sus comentarios y colaboraban felices en dicha tarea,pues a su vez se sentían halagados por toda la importancia que les redituaba tener amistad con alguien tan famoso y quien les retribuía con satisfacciones consistentes en enviarles cartas ,invitarlos a banquetes y vertiendo sobre ellos cascadas de elogios públicamente.Y todos éstos expertos gozaban sentirse a la luz y recibir maravillosas frases laudatorias de tan ilustre exponente de la palabra hablada y escrita.
Pero,al ir avanzando y cosechando los frutos de éstos esfuerzos;en los cuales progresivamente se imponía un nivel de calidad que fuése superando cada publicación que lanzaba.Ésto causó tal efecto en su oficio,que su producción literaria alcanzó alturas que al rebasar la posibilidad de crítica,se tornaron tan brillantes que sus lectores ya solamente le daban alabanzas,y se encontró con que estaba sólo en la cumbre.Así que de ése instante en adelante tuvo que asumir en completo los roles de autor y de lector;y se sumergió con creciente intensidad en leer y releer,escribir y reescribir,con tal furor que multiplicó su estrellato a la enésima potencia.
Al presentarse éstas obras al mercado,arrasó con todos los premios mundiales de importancia.
Entonces fué que cayó en enorme sensación de vacío e impotencia paralela a la que sintió Alejandro Magno al ver que no había más por conquistar.
Y ésto lo trajo a la conclusión neurótica de que tanta fama y gloria lo tenían mareado y que era imperativo destruír lo logrado ,y que así saboteándose a sí mismo podría darse un respiro para renacer con bases de mayor exigencia.
Para lograr éste cometido,armó una pieza literaria tan complicada,que trataba acerca de los más profundos recovecos de la mente,que paralelamente lo llevó a enloquecer;y los resultados en papel se apreciaban tan bizarros e indescifrables que ni él mismo comprendía lo expuesto.
Falleció poco antes de publicarse ésta última aportación.A los críticos les encantó.
                                                            FIN. hagan clic por todo el sitio,tomaré en cuenta sus comentarios,para agradecércelos hacia superar lo que yo escribo,aunque en éstos tiempos parece que la gente ya no lee por lo cual dudo tener tales resultados,ésos estrellatos hoy día sólo son para tipos que juegan pelota.Que le vamos hacer.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

RESPECT RULES---EL RESPETO RIGE copyright Carlos de la Parra.

Alex Morales was having a beer at his usual table at the bar,when this guy comes over to him and greets him by saying---Hi scooter...---
So Alex slams a good dry punch in his mouth that brings blood spurting out and tells him sternly:
---That's the last time you ever call me scooter,to everyone here,my name is Alex Morales,you may think this scooter shit is hilarious,but your honor calls it alias.---
Everyone present clearly understood. No wonder amongst his friends he was known as "The secretary of public education".
                                THE END.clic on more small,medium and large stories.español and english.
Alex Morales bebía su cerveza en su mesa acostumbrada,cuando entra un amigo y le dirige un saludo en voz alta:"Hola Curro"...---
Así que Alex le planta un puñetazo seco en la boca que causó que le brotase sangre,y le dijo con severidad:
---"Ultima vez que me llamas Curro,a tí te parece algo de risa pero su señoría ,el juez,a eso le llama alias...--
Todos los presentes entendieron con claridad. Por algo entre los amigos ,a Alex se le conoce como"El secretario de educación pública."
                                               FIN.siga haciendo clic más abajo y entérese de lo que sea y más.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Welcome,enjoy our new design,read on.
                                                             Bienvenido,disfrute nuestro nuevo diseño,lea,para bien.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

CHICKEN RACING FRENZY----(y más abajo en éste sitio encuentre todo en versión en español) FRENESÍ DE CARRERAS DE GALLINAS.copyright Carlos de la Parra

By reading this very instant,you have been spared from a Greek tragedy style beginning.

Now moving on forward from this absurd and unnecessary explanation you are about to witness facts,that you might treasure for the rest of your life ,or not.

Charlie Reds had spent a good amount of his adulthood,(mid-forties),working at finding angles that would bring him,quick and easy money;but he was now mature enough to know that the easy no longer applied,so he tried to concentrate on the quick part.

Up to this point he had made some progress,quite slowly,but keeping his success graphics on the upwards,in the unusual bussiness of ice sculpting for banquets and weddings;and his secret trick consisted in making the sculptures from freezing water in large molds,which came in diverse shapes;swans,castles,towers,dinosaurs,
etc. and he would add this chemical to the water that would keep it longer from melting,so it would stand for the duration of the event. He would arrive earlier than the guests at the event,and start working polishing up details on the ice with power tools and small flame throwers,causing the effect in people's eyes that he had created the sculpture from a solid block of ice,and when finished he would always get a big hand from the audience ,which he loved.
But although bussiness had been stable and growing for Charlie,he ambitioned yet more;and this caused him to think up a scheme,in which he would set up a dirt track,where they would have racing chickens,and they would bet on the races;after all he lived in Vegas,and you could easily find people to bet on just about anything.
He had his eureka moment on a day that he went to a chicken ranch with one of the cooks who went there to pick up some live fowl ,to be slaughtered later for the banquet;it seems that the cook was to help him transport some of his ice works afterwards,because his truck was at the shop getting tuned up.So when he saw those chicken run for their lives as the cook and the farmer chased them around,the thought flashed in his mind.Chicken races.So he talked the farmer into renting him some space and some chickens.
The dirt track was oval shaped,and he separated each lane with a transparent plastic material,so you could see through,and this would keep chickens racing within their corresponding designated space.All around the track he rigged up an ingenious spray system that would cause jets of water to pursue the birds and make them run like the devil.
The Chicken Derby,was successfuly registered with the gambling commission,and it became an immediate hit with the locals,and Charlie Reds was very happy at his new endeavour,and the money was not bad,but there were also lots of expenses,such as advertising,maintenance,permits,parking ,whatnot;which kept draining from his income,not to mention that Charlie was hitting the party circuits and the casinos more often than usual,so his accounting was not fully matching his expectations;if he could just figure out a way to fix the Chicken Derby ,he could make enough in a couple of weeks to set himself up with his own spa in Costa Rica,where he would just lie in a hammock by the beach and have someone in Vegas send him all the customers for his personal paradise.
So he buried under each racing lane a metallic mesh that could deliver controlled intensity electric shocks to the chickens as they raced;and he had a control switch that allowed him to enable any specific lane with the electric current;and equally change it to a different one once he had a winner in the finish line;thus controlling
the trifectas to a point that would give him an increase in his edge.All he had to do is play it subtly not to arouse any suspicion.It worked.Charlie was on his way to riches.
Not to overdo it,he did not win every single race,played it really cool and laundered the money hiding it in plain sight in his casino cards,making it look like winnings on the tables,so far ,so good; but then he met Paola,an incredible beauty from Italy;and he fell so madly in love with her,that he proposed marriage and convinced her to follow him to Costa Rica,to have their honeymoon there and help him launch his spa.
So now he started rushing the winnings a little more to supplement his expenses for the wedding,engagement ring,and wining and dining Paola and her 16 closest italian relatives,part of a growing number that kept gradually increasing when the word got around that Paola was engaged to the owner of The Chicken Derby,and that he was a big spender treating the whole family to a non stop party all over Vegas.
Charlie organized all his newly acquired family to place bets for him,and they were only too happy to oblige and this became a win win situation for all involved,because Charlie would give them a cut and now they either partied on their own penny or competed to pick up the check when they went out with the engaged couple,and this made it a great arrangement for all involved.
By this time Charlie Reds had already bought out the chicken farmer and the operation was 100% owned by him.And he was having a fantastic lifestyle,but his inner voice kep pressing him to get the Spa ready,before some bigger fish started coveting his turf;this town had a lot of major players that could easily displace him by setting up some bigger better competing similar Chicken Derby.
Then that high season holiday sunday came up,and when he saw the crowd had come to his place like a human Tsunami;at least 15thousand people had swarmed the races;he made up his mind right then and there and rigged up some bets in a big way,cashing in pretty hard.It was like divine justice come true.

They were here to bring him the money and set him free forever in his very own echological paradise,he could see himself training monkeys to wait on the tables,he felt powerful as a bussinessman.He had arrived.
And the tide of people came rolling in with fury.In a few weeks he had put away three million after taxes;with those numbers in hand ;he cleansed all the tracks of rigging the chicken races,sold the place to a local honcho for ten million,and he was able to purchase his own private bay,with a gorgeous little island included in his property.Although Paola and he lived there happily ever after,not everything was perfect.The damn monkey
kept drinking his beer.
THE END.CLIC ON FOR MORE.spanish version soon.