Wednesday, December 8, 2010

INVITADO--GUEST.© Carlos de la Parra. ( Spanish and English versions) Clic down here and in our twin site to read more.

Era una casita perfecta junto a un lago a donde Valentín fué a pasar una semana como invitado y ahí la familia de su novia le atendió con esmero y pudo darse cuenta que en todas las comidas se volvía a relatar una serie de sucesos del pasado, todos de naturaleza cotidiana y carentes de cualquier extremo o sorpresa, y que además atraía la atención intensa de los presentes como si ésta fuese la primera vez que lo escuchasen. Algo así como un paso de revista familiar, tan aburrido todo ésto que salió huyendo una tarde sin despedirse y con la clara conciencia de que las personas que pertenecen a grupos aburridos no se aburren entre sí, les basta con aburrir a los demás.
Ésto explica porqué todos los que leemos ésto hemos sufrido algo parecido.


It was the perfect little house by the lake owned by his fianceés family and he would spend a week as a guest .
At mealtimes he became aware that all her relatives tended to repeat the same memories and that every instance recalled was devoid of any surprise or interesting fact. As if they were all taking part in an ancestry roll call, but curiously everyone's attention remained focused and attentive as if this were the first time they heard about it.
He became so bored with these people that on the third day he fled without saying goodbye or expressing any gratitude for the hospitality.
It was now cristal clear to him that boring groups do not bore each other, they just do that to the rest of us.
This may now explain to everyone reading this had to suffer through something similar.

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