Aquí en Sacramento, California aún me encuentro atrapado en el 2010 y por la tele ví las celebraciones en España de quienes ya entraron en el 2011, y felicito a todos por éste avance de ventaja que me llevais en el tiempo.
Desde aquí saludo a quienes celebran haber dejado atrás el año de la crisis, esperando que de la forma que sea regrese la cordura junto con los empleos y los balances para que se evite que algo igual vuelva a suceder.
Pero aunque aproveché ésta circunstancia para contarles lo anterior mi intención era sacar de mi subconciente un relato que validase el año ,pero a falta de tiempo pensante y creativo, pues la familia me apremia a unirme a la mesa de la cena , y aunque mi más profunda intención era narrarles como un chamán utilizaba toda su concentración para lograr la resurección de un pollo rostizado, pues aunque parezca un sinsentido no están viendo el fondo que de llegar ésto a ocurrir, de ahí no hay nada de tiempo a entender como de los cubitos del consomé se puede volver a la vida a una gallina.
En ése tipo de situación a medias me quedo y tan a medias que el chamán solo alcanzó a resucitar un medio pollo, que ya es algo.
English version.
As we are still trapped in 2010 here in Sacramento, I am watching the 2011 new year celebrations take place in Spain. Where they managed to get out of the crisis year 2010 although not yet rid of the economic crisis that we here fortunately begin to leave behind, and with good will and hard work and the hope that our government places the acquired experience to some good use and implements measures so that it will not happen again, and have legislators wake up from the zombie state of shock and not allow somebody to keep all the cash as they starve the economy. A world limit that would place excessive reserves in a guaranteed fund to protect the rest of all hard working citizens which DO EXIST, in spite the opinion to the contrary from the greedy few.
I invoke the hope that we recycle all that is currently evil into something good, that the machinery of war and destruction be applied to Peace and reconstruction, that we recover our dignity and afford everyone the opportunity to work and progress and begin the golden era of humanity.
HAPPY 2011.
I have to leave this last post of the year, stay with me for more microstories, right now the family beckons me to come to the dinner table and although my intention was to tell a story about a shaman that finds out how to resurrect a roasted chicken, but since time is short he only accomplishes bringing back to life half a chicken. Which if you think about it would be a giant step in evolution and only a question of months before we can bring living chickens out of chicken broth. Best wishes to all. Find my twin blog of micro stories under my profile.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
BARE TRUTH---VERDAD DESNUDA. © Carlos de la Parra. (Spanish and English versions ,clic down to read.)
Les explicó que había salido a la calle pintado de azul y desnudo, meramente como un acto de dadaísmo, pero los loqueros no le quisieron escuchar y lo llevaron al manicomio.
He explained that the reason for his being out in the street naked and painted in blue was due to a dadaistic performance but they refused to listen and the men in white took him to the nuthouse anyway.
He explained that the reason for his being out in the street naked and painted in blue was due to a dadaistic performance but they refused to listen and the men in white took him to the nuthouse anyway.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
INVISIBLE.© Carlos de la Parra.(Spanish and English versions, clic down to read into the extreme).
El jurado absolvió al hombre invisible en el caso de exhibición indecente en la vía pública.
The jury has absolved the invisible man in the case of indecent exposure in a downtown area.
The jury has absolved the invisible man in the case of indecent exposure in a downtown area.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
PLATYPUS. © Carlos de la Parra.(Spanish and English versions) Clic down and read.
Encontró al ornitorrinco cagándose encima de su escritorio, giró al instante y corrió a comprar un billete de lotería comprendiendo que era más fácil ganarla a que ésto sucediése.
He found the Platypus taking a shit on top of his desk, he instantly turned around and ran to buy a lottery ticket since he understood it was much easier to win that than to see what he had just witnessed.
He found the Platypus taking a shit on top of his desk, he instantly turned around and ran to buy a lottery ticket since he understood it was much easier to win that than to see what he had just witnessed.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
MAGNUM. © Carlos de la Parra. {Spanish and English versions. Clic down to read beautyful and extreme efforts in writing}.
Nadie comprendía que había hecho éste individuo tan pobre para conservar a una mujer de tan extrema belleza a su lado. No habían caído en cuenta de que él utilizaba la palabra magistralmente.
Más no piensen que expresaba pensamientos propios, sino los de los grandes poetas, que hacía pasar por suyos. Para su fortuna ella era analfabeta.
No one could understand how he was able to keep that extremely beautiful woman at his side, him being so poor. They had not figured out he spoke to her in words of love worthy of an accomplished poet, and indeed they came from all the masters, but as he whispered in her ear he made them sound as if they were his own. To his fortune she could not read or write.
Más no piensen que expresaba pensamientos propios, sino los de los grandes poetas, que hacía pasar por suyos. Para su fortuna ella era analfabeta.
No one could understand how he was able to keep that extremely beautiful woman at his side, him being so poor. They had not figured out he spoke to her in words of love worthy of an accomplished poet, and indeed they came from all the masters, but as he whispered in her ear he made them sound as if they were his own. To his fortune she could not read or write.
Friday, December 10, 2010
PAX. © Carlos de la Parra. (Spanish and English versions) Clic down to read.
Obtuvo un contrato como cobaya humana en los laboratorios que preparaban un extracto de la mosca tsé-tsé africana, famosa por producir sueño permanente a sus víctimas. Se estipulaba que se pagarían todas las horas que estuviese dormido. La familia entera cuidaba evitarle todo ruido o molestia, no fuése a ser que despertara. Y no deberá entenderse que ésto era por interés económico. Lo que sucede es que despierto era muy pesado.
He got a contract as a human guinea pig with some labs that experimented with sleep serum extracted from the african tse-tse fly, known to have caused permanent sleep to some of it's victims. It was stipulated that he would be paid for every single hour he slept. The entire family made sure no one disturbed him in any way, to the extreme of silencing every telephone around. Now this might sound like they were doing it for the money,but such was not the case. The fact is awake he was unbearable.
He got a contract as a human guinea pig with some labs that experimented with sleep serum extracted from the african tse-tse fly, known to have caused permanent sleep to some of it's victims. It was stipulated that he would be paid for every single hour he slept. The entire family made sure no one disturbed him in any way, to the extreme of silencing every telephone around. Now this might sound like they were doing it for the money,but such was not the case. The fact is awake he was unbearable.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
INVITADO--GUEST.© Carlos de la Parra. ( Spanish and English versions) Clic down here and in our twin site to read more.
Era una casita perfecta junto a un lago a donde Valentín fué a pasar una semana como invitado y ahí la familia de su novia le atendió con esmero y pudo darse cuenta que en todas las comidas se volvía a relatar una serie de sucesos del pasado, todos de naturaleza cotidiana y carentes de cualquier extremo o sorpresa, y que además atraía la atención intensa de los presentes como si ésta fuese la primera vez que lo escuchasen. Algo así como un paso de revista familiar, tan aburrido todo ésto que salió huyendo una tarde sin despedirse y con la clara conciencia de que las personas que pertenecen a grupos aburridos no se aburren entre sí, les basta con aburrir a los demás.
Ésto explica porqué todos los que leemos ésto hemos sufrido algo parecido.
It was the perfect little house by the lake owned by his fianceés family and he would spend a week as a guest .
At mealtimes he became aware that all her relatives tended to repeat the same memories and that every instance recalled was devoid of any surprise or interesting fact. As if they were all taking part in an ancestry roll call, but curiously everyone's attention remained focused and attentive as if this were the first time they heard about it.
He became so bored with these people that on the third day he fled without saying goodbye or expressing any gratitude for the hospitality.
It was now cristal clear to him that boring groups do not bore each other, they just do that to the rest of us.
This may now explain to everyone reading this had to suffer through something similar.
Ésto explica porqué todos los que leemos ésto hemos sufrido algo parecido.
It was the perfect little house by the lake owned by his fianceés family and he would spend a week as a guest .
At mealtimes he became aware that all her relatives tended to repeat the same memories and that every instance recalled was devoid of any surprise or interesting fact. As if they were all taking part in an ancestry roll call, but curiously everyone's attention remained focused and attentive as if this were the first time they heard about it.
He became so bored with these people that on the third day he fled without saying goodbye or expressing any gratitude for the hospitality.
It was now cristal clear to him that boring groups do not bore each other, they just do that to the rest of us.
This may now explain to everyone reading this had to suffer through something similar.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
INFALIBLE.© Carlos de la Parra. ( Spanish and English versions) Clic down for more.
Pasó la mejor parte de su juventud dibujando intensamente contra la oposición familiar, cuyos miembros habían vaticinado que acabaría pasando hambres.
Pero al entrar en la madurez dejó de ilustrar para muchas publicaciones y comenzó a prosperar despacio pero seguro. Más de una vez sacó a todos de apuros y siempre veía de obsequiarles una cuantiosa ayuda cuando regresaba de sus viajes. Poco a poco fué reuniendo una pequeña fortuna en fincas de renta e inversiones.
Culminó en comprar un pequeño hotel con restaurante en una zona de playa a donde dió empleo a todos sus parientes.
Y acabó sus días muy feliz dirigiendo sus empresas. Ya no viajaría más decidió. Ni tomaría más riesgos.
A pesar de que los billetes de cien dólares le quedaban perfectos.
He spent most of his youth drawing illustrations for a living.
He did not stop being firm to his vocation to pen and ink in spite of catching hell from every member of the family whom insisted he get a real job.
Approaching close to middle age he started to travel and work for himself only.
No more deadlines with books and magazines.
He would always return from his travels and help his relatives out more than once with considerable sums of money.
He was frugal with his own expenses and was able to buy rental properties, which in time brought him enough revenue to acquire a small tourist spa by the sea. In this place he employed his entire family and ran his bussiness wisely. As he prospered he quit traveling. He found his haven and wanted no more risk. From now on he would keep making his bussiness grow. In spite of the fact that his hundred dollar bills were absolutely perfect.
Pero al entrar en la madurez dejó de ilustrar para muchas publicaciones y comenzó a prosperar despacio pero seguro. Más de una vez sacó a todos de apuros y siempre veía de obsequiarles una cuantiosa ayuda cuando regresaba de sus viajes. Poco a poco fué reuniendo una pequeña fortuna en fincas de renta e inversiones.
Culminó en comprar un pequeño hotel con restaurante en una zona de playa a donde dió empleo a todos sus parientes.
Y acabó sus días muy feliz dirigiendo sus empresas. Ya no viajaría más decidió. Ni tomaría más riesgos.
A pesar de que los billetes de cien dólares le quedaban perfectos.
He spent most of his youth drawing illustrations for a living.
He did not stop being firm to his vocation to pen and ink in spite of catching hell from every member of the family whom insisted he get a real job.
Approaching close to middle age he started to travel and work for himself only.
No more deadlines with books and magazines.
He would always return from his travels and help his relatives out more than once with considerable sums of money.
He was frugal with his own expenses and was able to buy rental properties, which in time brought him enough revenue to acquire a small tourist spa by the sea. In this place he employed his entire family and ran his bussiness wisely. As he prospered he quit traveling. He found his haven and wanted no more risk. From now on he would keep making his bussiness grow. In spite of the fact that his hundred dollar bills were absolutely perfect.
Monday, December 6, 2010
INVENTOR.© Carlos de la Parra. (Versiones Español e Inglés) English version clic down.
¿Porqué se ensañaba con él éste científico loco que le dió a probar el chicle que causó que se soldásen sus dientes impidiéndole abrir la boca para gritar siquiera?
¿En que consistía el perverso instinto de hacerle ésto precisamente a él quien carecía de brazos y piernas?
¿Que existirá tras el vitriólico sentido del humor que demostró a carcajadas cuando lo ató a una cometa y ahora lo tenía volando enmedio del abismo rodeado por la cantera de mármol?
Dejó de preguntarse tantas cosas cuando el viento feroz rompió el cordón y lo disparó entre el eco de las risas hacia las rocas.
Why was he chosen by the mad scientist who made him chew the gum that glued his teeth together preventing him to scream for help?
How could someone posess so much perversion as to pick on a guy like him who happened to be an amputee of both arms and legs?
What hid behind such vitriolic sense of humor as to emit a roar of laughter after tying this helpless person to a kite as he made him soar into flight in the midst of the abyss surrounded by a marble quarry?
He stopped asking so many questions in his mind when the fierce wind tore the string shooting him towards the rocks, as he listened to the laughing echo.
¿En que consistía el perverso instinto de hacerle ésto precisamente a él quien carecía de brazos y piernas?
¿Que existirá tras el vitriólico sentido del humor que demostró a carcajadas cuando lo ató a una cometa y ahora lo tenía volando enmedio del abismo rodeado por la cantera de mármol?
Dejó de preguntarse tantas cosas cuando el viento feroz rompió el cordón y lo disparó entre el eco de las risas hacia las rocas.
Why was he chosen by the mad scientist who made him chew the gum that glued his teeth together preventing him to scream for help?
How could someone posess so much perversion as to pick on a guy like him who happened to be an amputee of both arms and legs?
What hid behind such vitriolic sense of humor as to emit a roar of laughter after tying this helpless person to a kite as he made him soar into flight in the midst of the abyss surrounded by a marble quarry?
He stopped asking so many questions in his mind when the fierce wind tore the string shooting him towards the rocks, as he listened to the laughing echo.
Friday, December 3, 2010
CRISIS--- © Carlos de la Parra. (Spanish and english versions, clic down to read)
La policía le buscaba debido a numerosos reportes de exhibición indecente en vía pública y en estaciones del metro. En otras ocasiones ponía en estado de shock a las beatas que salían de la iglesia y quedaban paralizadas viéndolo con ojos saltones.
Al capturarlo in fraganti exponiendo sus partes íntimas a los pasajeros del tren central que ya había cerrado puertas y avanzaba, se investigó su modus operandi.
Era el del clásico "flashador", o "flasher", un tipo que bajo la gabardina había cosido los extremos de las piernas del pantalón para aparentar estar vestido, pero que al abir en par el gabán sorprendía a quienes pasaban con un repentino mostrar de una erección descomunal e inesperada.
Una vez en el banquillo de interrogatorio el inspector policiaco le preguntó al mozalbete veinteañero.
----¿ Y porqué lo haces?---
El joven capturado respondió con sencillez:
---Porque no tengo dinero.---
The police had reports on him for indecent exposure all over the city.
He operated mostly at subway stations and many times he would flash an erection at the pious ladies as they left church on the way home.
He was the classical flasher with the ends of his pant legs sewn at the bottom of a Bogart trenchcoat to give the appearance of being in full dress ,only to flash open the coat at the least expected moment.
He got caught at Central station as he was showing himself to all the passengers when the train advanced.
Once they had him under the lights for the interview, the police inspector asked the youth:
---Why do you do that?---
The captured boy said plainly:
----Because I had no money.-----
Al capturarlo in fraganti exponiendo sus partes íntimas a los pasajeros del tren central que ya había cerrado puertas y avanzaba, se investigó su modus operandi.
Era el del clásico "flashador", o "flasher", un tipo que bajo la gabardina había cosido los extremos de las piernas del pantalón para aparentar estar vestido, pero que al abir en par el gabán sorprendía a quienes pasaban con un repentino mostrar de una erección descomunal e inesperada.
Una vez en el banquillo de interrogatorio el inspector policiaco le preguntó al mozalbete veinteañero.
----¿ Y porqué lo haces?---
El joven capturado respondió con sencillez:
---Porque no tengo dinero.---
The police had reports on him for indecent exposure all over the city.
He operated mostly at subway stations and many times he would flash an erection at the pious ladies as they left church on the way home.
He was the classical flasher with the ends of his pant legs sewn at the bottom of a Bogart trenchcoat to give the appearance of being in full dress ,only to flash open the coat at the least expected moment.
He got caught at Central station as he was showing himself to all the passengers when the train advanced.
Once they had him under the lights for the interview, the police inspector asked the youth:
---Why do you do that?---
The captured boy said plainly:
----Because I had no money.-----
micro flash stories and short stories,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
MEGA EGO.---© Carlos de la Parra.(Spanish and English versions.) clic down.
El periodista encontraba las formas más complicadas para reafirmar su egolatría.
En su incesante esfuerzo por impresionar a los demás publicaba en su columna notas como:
"Este verano he decidido no pasar mis vacaciones en Mindanao".
Cuando ni siquiera le alcanzaba para ir a la playa local.
Otra aparecía diciendo: "debo aclarar que contrario a lo que se dice, no terminé mis estudios para cirujano cerebral"
Pero el hecho es que tampoco los comenzó y no había quien clamara tal cosa.
Ciertamente que tenía ingenio para quedar bien por cosas que no había logrado.
The gossip columnist would find the most complicated ways to reaffirm his ego.
His relentless effort to impress others compelled him to publish statements such as this jewel:
"I have decided not to spend this summer vacation in Mindanao."
The fact was he couldn't even afford to spend them at the local beach.
Or this other one: "contrary to many of my readers letters, I want to clarify that I did not complete studies as a brain surgeon"
He just omitted saying he never started them either, and that no one really claimed such a thing.
But he certainly possesed ingenuity for shining for non accomplishment.
En su incesante esfuerzo por impresionar a los demás publicaba en su columna notas como:
"Este verano he decidido no pasar mis vacaciones en Mindanao".
Cuando ni siquiera le alcanzaba para ir a la playa local.
Otra aparecía diciendo: "debo aclarar que contrario a lo que se dice, no terminé mis estudios para cirujano cerebral"
Pero el hecho es que tampoco los comenzó y no había quien clamara tal cosa.
Ciertamente que tenía ingenio para quedar bien por cosas que no había logrado.
The gossip columnist would find the most complicated ways to reaffirm his ego.
His relentless effort to impress others compelled him to publish statements such as this jewel:
"I have decided not to spend this summer vacation in Mindanao."
The fact was he couldn't even afford to spend them at the local beach.
Or this other one: "contrary to many of my readers letters, I want to clarify that I did not complete studies as a brain surgeon"
He just omitted saying he never started them either, and that no one really claimed such a thing.
But he certainly possesed ingenuity for shining for non accomplishment.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
VISION. © Carlos de la Parra. (English and spanish versions, clic down to read.)
Con el disfraz de mendigo siguió a los que daban las vacunas gratis en varios sitios.
La investigación confirmó su sospecha. Junto con la vacuna les ponían un microchip que contenía el potente veneno de la serpiente Mamba africana.
A la hora que ellos decidían activarlo dentro de alguno de los inoculados, picaban un código en una computadora a la orden de : ---Márcale su salida del reloj.---
Disguised as a beggar he followed the crew that was applying the free flu shots in various sites.
He confirmed his suspicion. Along with the vaccine they were inoculating a tiny microchip containing the powerful poison of an african mamba.
Whenever they decided to activate it on someone whose number came up, they would enter the code in a computer upon getting the order:----Clock him out.----
La investigación confirmó su sospecha. Junto con la vacuna les ponían un microchip que contenía el potente veneno de la serpiente Mamba africana.
A la hora que ellos decidían activarlo dentro de alguno de los inoculados, picaban un código en una computadora a la orden de : ---Márcale su salida del reloj.---
Disguised as a beggar he followed the crew that was applying the free flu shots in various sites.
He confirmed his suspicion. Along with the vaccine they were inoculating a tiny microchip containing the powerful poison of an african mamba.
Whenever they decided to activate it on someone whose number came up, they would enter the code in a computer upon getting the order:----Clock him out.----
Friday, November 19, 2010
DELIRIUM. © Carlos de la Parra. (spanish and english versions, clic down to read extreme stories)
La noticia arrasó en todos los programas de televisión y en los diarios.
Alfonso De Gavis había ganado el premio de literatura.
Su agente corrió a casa del galardonado para sacarlo a celebrar, pues a últimas fechas había estado muy deprimido y neurótico, de seguro que éste triunfo lograría levantarlo.
Pero al llegar al edificio de apartamentos vió que había agitación entre los vecinos y algunos de sus muebles estaban en la calle despedazados. Le pusieron al tanto de los hechos. De Gavis enloqueció y lanzó los muebles desde el cuarto piso. De milagro que no mató al que reparte el pan en bicicleta con la cómoda de la sala que le estrelló en la llanta trasera, y todo el pan ahí regado,y se junta más gente y llegan reporteros con cámaras para tomar nota de todo lo ocurrido y otros que venían a cubrir entrevistas con el premiado. El mismo que había salido de ahí en camisa de fuerza a bordo de la ambulancia psiquiátrica. Su agente se regocijó ante lo afortunado que fué ése día para el autor.
Sabía que ésta noticia iba a hacer que las ventas del libro fuésen estratosféricas.
It was all over the media.Alphonse De Gavis had won this years National literature prize.
His agent dashed to his home in the apartment complex. The author had been quite depressed as of recent days, now he would take him to celebrate at the nice place where everyone in the art world goes out to drink and dine. That would really lift his spirit.
But once he arrived it was all havoc. Neighbors queued up in groups gossiping at the events. Some of his furniture was in shreds all over the street, it was a miracle they said that he hadn't killed that man on a bycicle who delivers bread from the bakery when that large console hit his rear tire. Pastry strewn on the sidewalk.
They had to subdue him into a straight jacket and cart him away in a psychiatric ambulance.
By now reporters started flooding the area to cover the unfortunate events and being joined by others who had arrived to score an interview with the award winner.
His agent could not believe that Alphonse had taken this course in his fortune.
He rejoiced because he knew the book's sales would soar.
Alfonso De Gavis había ganado el premio de literatura.
Su agente corrió a casa del galardonado para sacarlo a celebrar, pues a últimas fechas había estado muy deprimido y neurótico, de seguro que éste triunfo lograría levantarlo.
Pero al llegar al edificio de apartamentos vió que había agitación entre los vecinos y algunos de sus muebles estaban en la calle despedazados. Le pusieron al tanto de los hechos. De Gavis enloqueció y lanzó los muebles desde el cuarto piso. De milagro que no mató al que reparte el pan en bicicleta con la cómoda de la sala que le estrelló en la llanta trasera, y todo el pan ahí regado,y se junta más gente y llegan reporteros con cámaras para tomar nota de todo lo ocurrido y otros que venían a cubrir entrevistas con el premiado. El mismo que había salido de ahí en camisa de fuerza a bordo de la ambulancia psiquiátrica. Su agente se regocijó ante lo afortunado que fué ése día para el autor.
Sabía que ésta noticia iba a hacer que las ventas del libro fuésen estratosféricas.
It was all over the media.Alphonse De Gavis had won this years National literature prize.
His agent dashed to his home in the apartment complex. The author had been quite depressed as of recent days, now he would take him to celebrate at the nice place where everyone in the art world goes out to drink and dine. That would really lift his spirit.
But once he arrived it was all havoc. Neighbors queued up in groups gossiping at the events. Some of his furniture was in shreds all over the street, it was a miracle they said that he hadn't killed that man on a bycicle who delivers bread from the bakery when that large console hit his rear tire. Pastry strewn on the sidewalk.
They had to subdue him into a straight jacket and cart him away in a psychiatric ambulance.
By now reporters started flooding the area to cover the unfortunate events and being joined by others who had arrived to score an interview with the award winner.
His agent could not believe that Alphonse had taken this course in his fortune.
He rejoiced because he knew the book's sales would soar.
MENTAL LAXATIVE---LAXANTE MENTAL, © Carlos de la Parra.( Spanish and english versions,clic down to read)
Una vez que el actuario revisó la combinación de posibilidades entre ellas la crisis económica mundial llegó a la solución para eliminar todas las preocupaciones. Dejarlas que se diluyan solas después de la muerte.
Once the actuarian reviewed the combination of possibilities amongst them the world's economic crisis he arrived at a solution to eliminate all worries. Allow them to dilute themselves after death.
Once the actuarian reviewed the combination of possibilities amongst them the world's economic crisis he arrived at a solution to eliminate all worries. Allow them to dilute themselves after death.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
CONTRADICTION--© Carlos de la Parra. (English and spanish versions, Clic down to read) .
El profesor dijo en el salón:---No quiero caer en lo Freudiano y decir que todo tiene un trasfondo sexual, pero el caso que vamos a tratar claramente lo tiene.---
Y justo por establecer éste preámbulo cayó en lo Freudiano.
The professor was addressing the students and said: ---I don't want to be Freudian about this issue and state that everything has a sexual background, but what we are about to discuss definetely does have such a sexual implication.---
Inadvertently he had just gotten Freudian about it.
Y justo por establecer éste preámbulo cayó en lo Freudiano.
The professor was addressing the students and said: ---I don't want to be Freudian about this issue and state that everything has a sexual background, but what we are about to discuss definetely does have such a sexual implication.---
Inadvertently he had just gotten Freudian about it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
INMORAL,© Carlos de la Parra. (spanish and english versions, clic down to read)
---Anda hijo, come pescado que está muy sabroso---
----Pero no me gusta el pescado mamá.----
---Si ni siquiera lo has probado. ¿Cómo que no te gusta?---
----Es que se me queda viendo con sus ojos tan grandes----
---Bien . Ahorá ya se los quité y me los comí. Ya no puede verte. Cómelo.---
----No, ahora menos.No sería moral que yo abuse de él porque está ciego.----
---Go ahead son. Eat your fish. Yum, it's so tasty.---
----But I don't like the fish mama.----
---How can you say that? You haven't even tasted it.---
----I don't like the way the fish stares at me with those big eyes----
---There. I ate them. Now he can't stare at you any longer. Eat your fish now.---
----Oh no mama. That would be inmoral. Taking advantage of the fact that he's blind.----
----Pero no me gusta el pescado mamá.----
---Si ni siquiera lo has probado. ¿Cómo que no te gusta?---
----Es que se me queda viendo con sus ojos tan grandes----
---Bien . Ahorá ya se los quité y me los comí. Ya no puede verte. Cómelo.---
----No, ahora menos.No sería moral que yo abuse de él porque está ciego.----
---Go ahead son. Eat your fish. Yum, it's so tasty.---
----But I don't like the fish mama.----
---How can you say that? You haven't even tasted it.---
----I don't like the way the fish stares at me with those big eyes----
---There. I ate them. Now he can't stare at you any longer. Eat your fish now.---
----Oh no mama. That would be inmoral. Taking advantage of the fact that he's blind.----
Friday, November 5, 2010
ALTER EGO. © Carlos de la Parra. Spanish and english versions. Clic down for more.
El escritor de micro relatos profirió la queja de que por haber publicado tantos de éstos, cada vez se alejaba más de la realidad. Su otro yo le contestó:--- ¿Realidad... y tú cuando tuviste alguna?
The author of micro stories expressed his complaint about setting himself progressively farther away from reality due to his writing so many of these. His alter ego shot back: ---Reality...and when did you ever had one?
The author of micro stories expressed his complaint about setting himself progressively farther away from reality due to his writing so many of these. His alter ego shot back: ---Reality...and when did you ever had one?
Monday, November 1, 2010
REVELATION--REVELACIÓN © Carlos de la Parra. English and spanish .Click down to find it.
Tuvo una revelación que lo dejó permanentemente en un trance de horror. La voz del cielo le dijo que todo estaba perfecto en el planeta tal como estaba.
He had a revelation that kept him permanently horrified. The voice from heaven told him that everything on the planet was perfect just the way it was.
He had a revelation that kept him permanently horrified. The voice from heaven told him that everything on the planet was perfect just the way it was.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
NUPCIAL REALITY SHOW---NUPTIAL REALITY SHOW.© Carlos de la Parra (spanish and english versions,clic down to read).
Se lanzó al aire la producción más ambiciosa jamás televisada de un reality show acerca de las nupcias de una joven pareja seleccionada con criterios mercadólogicos de máxima aceptación por su auditorio.
Cada detalle fué cuidado, los novios vivieron frente al público su romance que culminó en fastuosa boda con banquete patrocinado por varias marcas al igual que un viaje de bodas de ensueño por Venecia y otros centros turísticos que promovieron los hoteles y las líneas aéreas.
Cuando terminó el banquete el director convocó a la pareja de novios y al staff de filmación para decirles:
---Quiero felicitarles por un trabajo excelente que será visto por millones en el planeta , y como ahora Margarita y Antonio van a tener su primera noche les daremos su privacía y en la suite nupcial solamente estarán ellos,el camarógrafo,el asesor de actividades sexuales y yo. El alumbrado ya quedó listo les va a fascinar, como de Bertolucci.----
The most ambitious ever aired reality show was produced under the sponsorship of various major airlines and hotel chains. Every single detail was picture perfect. The bride and groom had lived out their romantic dates in wonderful settings, and the honeymoon was scheduled to be shot in Venice.
At the end of the nuptial banquet the director gathered the bride and groom along with the rest of the staff and stated:---I want to congratulate everyone here for the most excellent show that we've all been priviledged to be part of. The time has come for Peggy and Tony to have their wedding night so they will be given the privacy they so much deserve ,at the nuptial suite only they will be present along with the cameraman, the sexual activity advisor and myself. The lighting has already been set up. You're gonna love it, it's so Bertolucci.----
Cada detalle fué cuidado, los novios vivieron frente al público su romance que culminó en fastuosa boda con banquete patrocinado por varias marcas al igual que un viaje de bodas de ensueño por Venecia y otros centros turísticos que promovieron los hoteles y las líneas aéreas.
Cuando terminó el banquete el director convocó a la pareja de novios y al staff de filmación para decirles:
---Quiero felicitarles por un trabajo excelente que será visto por millones en el planeta , y como ahora Margarita y Antonio van a tener su primera noche les daremos su privacía y en la suite nupcial solamente estarán ellos,el camarógrafo,el asesor de actividades sexuales y yo. El alumbrado ya quedó listo les va a fascinar, como de Bertolucci.----
The most ambitious ever aired reality show was produced under the sponsorship of various major airlines and hotel chains. Every single detail was picture perfect. The bride and groom had lived out their romantic dates in wonderful settings, and the honeymoon was scheduled to be shot in Venice.
At the end of the nuptial banquet the director gathered the bride and groom along with the rest of the staff and stated:---I want to congratulate everyone here for the most excellent show that we've all been priviledged to be part of. The time has come for Peggy and Tony to have their wedding night so they will be given the privacy they so much deserve ,at the nuptial suite only they will be present along with the cameraman, the sexual activity advisor and myself. The lighting has already been set up. You're gonna love it, it's so Bertolucci.----
Saturday, October 2, 2010
PRAGMATIC---PRAGMÁTICO. ©Carlos de la Parra. (spanish and english versions) clic down.
No creía en Drácula. Pero sí en los mosquitos que lo tenían más picado que un alfiletero.
He did not believe in Dracula. But he did believe in the mosquitoes that took him for a pinpad.
He did not believe in Dracula. But he did believe in the mosquitoes that took him for a pinpad.
Friday, September 17, 2010
SHOW.©Carlos de la Parra.(spanish and english versions) clic down to see more.
La obra teatral era tan aburrida que había momentos en que los actores cesaban de seguir interpretando y se ponían a contemplar a alguna pareja que estuviese huyendo del tedio por medio de una relación sexual.
The theatre play was so boring that the actors on stage would stop playing their roles and stare at the occasional couple engaged in sex in order to escape the tediousness of it all.
The theatre play was so boring that the actors on stage would stop playing their roles and stare at the occasional couple engaged in sex in order to escape the tediousness of it all.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
ARIDEZ---ARID LAND.© Carlos de la Parra. (english and spanish versions) clic down to find.
A la mitad del desierto su hijo pequeño suplicó por agua.
---¿Y que quieres que haga, que me convierta en un vaso con agua?--
----Sí----, dijo el nño,
---Está bien, sólo por ésta vez---,dijo el mago.
In the middle of the dessert his little boy begged for water.
---And what do you want me to do, turn into water?---
----Yes----said the child.
----OK. But only for this once.----said the magician.
---¿Y que quieres que haga, que me convierta en un vaso con agua?--
----Sí----, dijo el nño,
---Está bien, sólo por ésta vez---,dijo el mago.
In the middle of the dessert his little boy begged for water.
---And what do you want me to do, turn into water?---
----Yes----said the child.
----OK. But only for this once.----said the magician.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
PSICOSIS.© Carlos de la Parra.( spanish and english versions ),clic down to see.
Pasó el examen psiquiátrico contestando todas las preguntas del doctor en tal forma que demostró absoluta cordura. Lo que no dijo era que las voces que escuchaba estaban dándole todas las mentiras que respondía.
He passed the schizo test by giving 100% sane answers. He omitted to tell the doctor that these lies were told to him by the voices he heard.
He passed the schizo test by giving 100% sane answers. He omitted to tell the doctor that these lies were told to him by the voices he heard.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
DISTRAÍDO---ABSENT MINDED.©Carlos de la Parra.(spanish and english versions)
Era tan distraído que un día se topó con Cortázar, Borges y Neruda, y fué hasta ése momento que se dió cuenta que él también estaba muerto.
He was so absent minded that one day he ran into Kerouac, Jesus and Elvis ,and that's when he noticed he had also died
He was so absent minded that one day he ran into Kerouac, Jesus and Elvis ,and that's when he noticed he had also died
Sunday, September 5, 2010
CONVERSIÓN. (spanish and english versions) © Carlos de la Parra.
El poderoso dueño del plantío en la selva no profesaba creencia alguna. Sin embargo cuando se enteró que los simios se habían dado a la tarea de enterrar oro en su propiedad, comenzó a creer en Darwin.
The powerful jungle plantation owner was excempt from any type of belief. Nevertheless when he found out that the apes had taken the habit of burying gold inside his property, he began believing in Darwin.
The powerful jungle plantation owner was excempt from any type of belief. Nevertheless when he found out that the apes had taken the habit of burying gold inside his property, he began believing in Darwin.
Monday, August 23, 2010
TODOS CONOCEMOS A ALGUIEN ASÍ---WE ALL KNOW SOMEONE LIKE THAT. ©Carlos de la Parra. (spanish an english versions.)
El insistía en ser un reencarnado.pero jamás pudo comprobarlo.
He insisted on being reincarnated, but could never prove it.
He insisted on being reincarnated, but could never prove it.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
HOY.---TODAY.( spanish and english versions) © Carlos de la Parra.
En su declaración a la policía establecieron que habían escuchado como se reía antes de que la computadora le volase el rostro al estallar.
Lo que nadie sabía es que lo que leía era : Este micro se autodestruirá en diez segundos.
English version.
It was established in the police report that they heard him laugh before his laptop blew his face away when it exploded.
What no one knew is that the last thing he read was : This micro story will self destroy in ten seconds.
Lo que nadie sabía es que lo que leía era : Este micro se autodestruirá en diez segundos.
English version.
It was established in the police report that they heard him laugh before his laptop blew his face away when it exploded.
What no one knew is that the last thing he read was : This micro story will self destroy in ten seconds.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Micro relato acerca de un día en la vida de DETECTIVE UNO---Microstory about a day in the life of DETECTIVE ONE. copyright Carlos de la Parra.clic down for ENGLISH VERSION.
La vida de DETECTIVE UNO,encajaba en cuanto lugar común pueda uno encontrar en cualquier novela de detectives americana de los años 50,y debido a ésto él llegó a mitad de la noche con un litro de whiskey barato en el organismo,y cayó en la cama vestido,para alcanzar un par de horas de sueño antes de volver al trabajo.
El despertador pegó un horroroso timbrazo que lo sacó de una pesadilla en la cual un apache intentaba electrocutarlo.Procedió a secarse el sudor de la cara con la sábana,e hizo el esfuerzo sobrehumano que le implicaba levantarse diariamente,pero para aumentar lo desagradable que le era ponerse de pié con su cabeza estallando;escuchó un brutal ladrido y sintió el ardor horrible que produce ser mordido en el brazo izquierdo.Instintivamente lanzó un puñetazo con la derecha a su atacante,logrando momentaneamente zafar las fauces que le tenían clavada esa brutal dentadura de picos filosos.
Pero la fiera criatura volvió a la carga,y para empeorar un momento de por sí espeluznante;DETECTIVE UNO,advierte que no se trata de un perro grande como creyó en un principio,sino de su mismísimo despertador,al que inexplicablemente le han salido dientes,y ahora viene por él al contra ataque.
Pero éste detective de mil batallas no conocía el miedo,ni siquiera a lo sobrenatural;así que de un salto tomó el bate de beisbol con el cual siempre dormía por si acaso,y destrozó el despertador a batazos entre una escandalera de gemidos y ladridos que sonaba como si mataran a un perro rabioso.
Finalmente el cacharro quedó inerte y despedazado por toda la habitación.
Se recostó para sobarse las heridas,y cayó dormido al relajarse.
Al cabo de un rato escuchó el timbrazo del despertador,y viendo que se le hacía tarde y obviamente lo anterior había sido una pesadilla,salió corriendo sin bañarse a la oficina.
Para su extrañeza se topó con un caso que jamás pudo resolver,pues al volver a casa seguía ahí en su habitación el despertador destrozado,y fué cuando se dió cuenta que al levantarse antes de partir,lo que había sido un sueño,era la segunda vez que timbró el aparato.
FIN. clic down for ENGLISH VERSION. lea más.
DETECTIVE ONE'S life transpired just like any cliché 50's private eye story.
So according to such a pattern he arrived home in the middle of the night,exhausted and with his belly full of cheap whiskey.Without undressing he slumped on the bed so he could crash into sleep for a couple of hours before getting back to work.The exploding ring from the alarm clock rescued him from a nightmare in which an apache was trying to electrocute him,He went into his daily superhuman effort to unglue himself out of the bed,but as he was stretching out he heard the loud roar and felt the burn of those pointy sharp teeth mauling at his left arm.Instinctively he punched back with a solid right hook,which fred him from the bite for an instant,and to his amazement he saw that his attacker was not a large dog as he had thought at first,but it was his alarm clock coming back at him barking furiosly and showing that threatening set of large teeth.
So in a conditioned flash reflex action he grabbed that baseball bat he always slept with,for just in case.
He slammed the device several times amongst a tremendous barking and wailing racket,not unlike the sound of a large raging animal being bludgeoned.This ended with the gadget torn to pieces all over his bedroom carpet.
When he saw there was no signs of life left in it,he lied down momentarily to rub his wounds,and fell back into a deep sleep.
Some time later he heard the ringing of the alarm clock and with it came the understanding that he had suffered a double nightmare,so he ran out the door to avoid being late.
That day he had a case he would never solve.When he arrived back home,he saw the pieces of the device were still on the floor.And that's when it dawned on him that the fight with the alarm clock had been real.It was when it rang the second time,that he had dreamt about.
THE END. clic down,for more summer reading.Lea más.
El despertador pegó un horroroso timbrazo que lo sacó de una pesadilla en la cual un apache intentaba electrocutarlo.Procedió a secarse el sudor de la cara con la sábana,e hizo el esfuerzo sobrehumano que le implicaba levantarse diariamente,pero para aumentar lo desagradable que le era ponerse de pié con su cabeza estallando;escuchó un brutal ladrido y sintió el ardor horrible que produce ser mordido en el brazo izquierdo.Instintivamente lanzó un puñetazo con la derecha a su atacante,logrando momentaneamente zafar las fauces que le tenían clavada esa brutal dentadura de picos filosos.
Pero la fiera criatura volvió a la carga,y para empeorar un momento de por sí espeluznante;DETECTIVE UNO,advierte que no se trata de un perro grande como creyó en un principio,sino de su mismísimo despertador,al que inexplicablemente le han salido dientes,y ahora viene por él al contra ataque.
Pero éste detective de mil batallas no conocía el miedo,ni siquiera a lo sobrenatural;así que de un salto tomó el bate de beisbol con el cual siempre dormía por si acaso,y destrozó el despertador a batazos entre una escandalera de gemidos y ladridos que sonaba como si mataran a un perro rabioso.
Finalmente el cacharro quedó inerte y despedazado por toda la habitación.
Se recostó para sobarse las heridas,y cayó dormido al relajarse.
Al cabo de un rato escuchó el timbrazo del despertador,y viendo que se le hacía tarde y obviamente lo anterior había sido una pesadilla,salió corriendo sin bañarse a la oficina.
Para su extrañeza se topó con un caso que jamás pudo resolver,pues al volver a casa seguía ahí en su habitación el despertador destrozado,y fué cuando se dió cuenta que al levantarse antes de partir,lo que había sido un sueño,era la segunda vez que timbró el aparato.
FIN. clic down for ENGLISH VERSION. lea más.
DETECTIVE ONE'S life transpired just like any cliché 50's private eye story.
So according to such a pattern he arrived home in the middle of the night,exhausted and with his belly full of cheap whiskey.Without undressing he slumped on the bed so he could crash into sleep for a couple of hours before getting back to work.The exploding ring from the alarm clock rescued him from a nightmare in which an apache was trying to electrocute him,He went into his daily superhuman effort to unglue himself out of the bed,but as he was stretching out he heard the loud roar and felt the burn of those pointy sharp teeth mauling at his left arm.Instinctively he punched back with a solid right hook,which fred him from the bite for an instant,and to his amazement he saw that his attacker was not a large dog as he had thought at first,but it was his alarm clock coming back at him barking furiosly and showing that threatening set of large teeth.
So in a conditioned flash reflex action he grabbed that baseball bat he always slept with,for just in case.
He slammed the device several times amongst a tremendous barking and wailing racket,not unlike the sound of a large raging animal being bludgeoned.This ended with the gadget torn to pieces all over his bedroom carpet.
When he saw there was no signs of life left in it,he lied down momentarily to rub his wounds,and fell back into a deep sleep.
Some time later he heard the ringing of the alarm clock and with it came the understanding that he had suffered a double nightmare,so he ran out the door to avoid being late.
That day he had a case he would never solve.When he arrived back home,he saw the pieces of the device were still on the floor.And that's when it dawned on him that the fight with the alarm clock had been real.It was when it rang the second time,that he had dreamt about.
THE END. clic down,for more summer reading.Lea más.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
En la estación central de Tokio hay un grupo de robots cuya misión es comprimir a la gente dentro de los vagones del metro para aumentar el cupo durante las horas pico.
La geisha ninfómana fué arrestada por indecencia pública al abrazarse a uno de los robots y entrar en convulsiones delante de los demás pasajeros a causa de llegar al clímax del orgasmo.
Ahora el robot vaga cabizbajo por toda la estación,pues no soporta que su amada esté en la carcel.
FIN. si lee todos los micros no se arrepentirá. busque aquí.2 blogs.
At the central subway station in Tokyo there is a group of robots whose mission is to compress people into the boxcars to increase the amount of passengers during peak hours.
The ninphomaniac geisha got arrested for public indecency as she went into orgasmic climatic convulsions when embracing one of the robots right in front of the commuters.
Nowadays the robot wanders around totally depressed looking at the ground because he can't cope with his loved one being incarcerated.
THE END. read more extreme stories.clic down and comment.
La geisha ninfómana fué arrestada por indecencia pública al abrazarse a uno de los robots y entrar en convulsiones delante de los demás pasajeros a causa de llegar al clímax del orgasmo.
Ahora el robot vaga cabizbajo por toda la estación,pues no soporta que su amada esté en la carcel.
FIN. si lee todos los micros no se arrepentirá. busque aquí.2 blogs.
At the central subway station in Tokyo there is a group of robots whose mission is to compress people into the boxcars to increase the amount of passengers during peak hours.
The ninphomaniac geisha got arrested for public indecency as she went into orgasmic climatic convulsions when embracing one of the robots right in front of the commuters.
Nowadays the robot wanders around totally depressed looking at the ground because he can't cope with his loved one being incarcerated.
THE END. read more extreme stories.clic down and comment.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Micro story about good luck---Micro relato acerca de la buena suerte. Copyright Carlos de la Parra.
He watched horrified as the large rabbit drove away with his foot dangling from the rear view mirror.
Horrorizado contempló el auto que se alejaba conducido por el conejo gigante quien llevaba su pié colgando en el retrovisor.
Horrorizado contempló el auto que se alejaba conducido por el conejo gigante quien llevaba su pié colgando en el retrovisor.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Los detectives cubrían sus caras con pañuelos y hacían esfuerzo por no vomitar.
Se encontraban dentro de la jaula que estaba asida al brazo del montacargas,y en cuyo interior yacía en postura fetal el cadaver del científico que estaba a cargo de hacer las pruebas que consistían en administrarle laxantes al tigre.Y desde ahí arriba contemplaban al tigre que se resbalaba en su espesa diarrea y pegaba rugidos que parecían un maullido brutal y lastimero.
DETECTIVE UNO---Me parece un accidente.El tipo subido aquí arriba tomaba nota de los efectos del laxante en el tigre,y sufrió un desmayo por la peste y murió sofocado.---
DETECTIVE DOS----No opino igual.Esto tuvo que ser planeado por alguien.El asesino es el que haya ordenado que éste experimento se llevara a cabo dentro de ésta cámara de vacío.Él pudo preveer las consecuencias.---
DETECTIVE UNO---¿Y cómo explicas que el tigre no murió sofocado?----
DETECTIVE DOS ---Lo salvó la llegada del guardia de seguridad.El tigre aguantó más que el científico.---
En ése momento se escuchó el portazo que los dejaba sellados dentro de la bóveda.
FIN. clic hacia abajo,y también por el blog gemelo,en mi perfil.
Both detectives stood inside the protective cage that was held atop the forklift.They pressed their handkerchieves to their nose to avoid the putrid stench.
The corpse lied next to them in fetal position.In life he had been the scientist performing the tests for the laxative on the tiger.
Below them the tiger kept slipping on his own thick diarrhea feces.His roar brought about his desperate cries from pain and fear.
DETECTIVE ONE---Seems like an accident to me.The guy liying here next to us,fainted from smelling this and suffocated from the shit fumes and the lack of oxygen.
DETECTIVE TWO---No way.This was a setup.Whoever ordered that this test take place inside this airtight chamber,could predict the results---.
DETECTIVE ONE----So how come the tiger didn't die too?---
DETECTIVE TWO---This animal was saved just in time by the security guard, he was gasping for air.---
Right then and there someone slammed shut the vault door.
THE END. clic down for more.Find twin blogs in my profile.
Se encontraban dentro de la jaula que estaba asida al brazo del montacargas,y en cuyo interior yacía en postura fetal el cadaver del científico que estaba a cargo de hacer las pruebas que consistían en administrarle laxantes al tigre.Y desde ahí arriba contemplaban al tigre que se resbalaba en su espesa diarrea y pegaba rugidos que parecían un maullido brutal y lastimero.
DETECTIVE UNO---Me parece un accidente.El tipo subido aquí arriba tomaba nota de los efectos del laxante en el tigre,y sufrió un desmayo por la peste y murió sofocado.---
DETECTIVE DOS----No opino igual.Esto tuvo que ser planeado por alguien.El asesino es el que haya ordenado que éste experimento se llevara a cabo dentro de ésta cámara de vacío.Él pudo preveer las consecuencias.---
DETECTIVE UNO---¿Y cómo explicas que el tigre no murió sofocado?----
DETECTIVE DOS ---Lo salvó la llegada del guardia de seguridad.El tigre aguantó más que el científico.---
En ése momento se escuchó el portazo que los dejaba sellados dentro de la bóveda.
FIN. clic hacia abajo,y también por el blog gemelo,en mi perfil.
Both detectives stood inside the protective cage that was held atop the forklift.They pressed their handkerchieves to their nose to avoid the putrid stench.
The corpse lied next to them in fetal position.In life he had been the scientist performing the tests for the laxative on the tiger.
Below them the tiger kept slipping on his own thick diarrhea feces.His roar brought about his desperate cries from pain and fear.
DETECTIVE ONE---Seems like an accident to me.The guy liying here next to us,fainted from smelling this and suffocated from the shit fumes and the lack of oxygen.
DETECTIVE TWO---No way.This was a setup.Whoever ordered that this test take place inside this airtight chamber,could predict the results---.
DETECTIVE ONE----So how come the tiger didn't die too?---
DETECTIVE TWO---This animal was saved just in time by the security guard, he was gasping for air.---
Right then and there someone slammed shut the vault door.
THE END. clic down for more.Find twin blogs in my profile.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Micro relato OPERACIÓN 3000---Microstory SURGERY3000---Copyright Carlos de la Parra.BILINGUAL VERSIONS.clic down for english.
Trabajo como profesor en un centro de retrasados mentales en el año 3000.
Pudiera alguien poner en duda ésta afirmación planteando que estamos en el año 2010.
Aclaro.No ESTAMOS.
Quienes leen ésto ESTÁN en 2010.
Pero no me causa problema explicarles ésto desde mi presente,ya que para mí es cotidiano darles explicaciones a retrasados mentales.
Pero no tomen ofensa al leer ésto,pues aclaro que en éste año 3000,alguien que no tenga la habilidad para llevar a cabo un trasplante cerebral casero,es considerado como minusválido de la mente.
El caso que ahora les planteo se desarrolla en éste mismo instante en un centro penitenciario a donde imparto cursos.Resulta que algunos de mis alumnos me tienen encadenado de los pies y por lo que veo han traído un perro grande y se aprestan a llevar a cabo un trasplante de cerebro que involucra el del can y el mío.
Les estoy transmitiendo ésto a su época pués la única comunicación posible fué ésta que ahora mismo leen por internet; y la envío con la esperanza de que alguien en mi época la intercepte y me auxilie.
Ahí viene hacia mí el de la jeringa con la anestesia.Les sigo contando mientras pueda.
FIN. clic down for english version.
I work as a professor at a mental retardation center in the year 3000.
Whoever might be reading this might ask themselves how this could be possible since we are in the year 2010.
I hereby clarify,YOU are in 2010,not ME. As previously stated I am in the year 3000.
I feel no burden explaining this for it is customary for me to render explanations to retards.
Before you take offense let me state that in my current time,not being able to perform a brain transplant is considered a sign of mental retardation.
The current issue going on here,is the fact that some of my pupils at a psycho ward in the prison have chained up my ankles to the bed and they have brought a dog and from what I gathered they are about to perform brain transplant surgery between the dog and myself.
I had no other way of sending an SOS except this post you now read on the internet with the hope someone will intercept it and rescue me.
The guy with the anesthesia syringe is coming towards me,I will continue transmitting as long as I can.
THE END clic down for more stories. haga clic y lea más.
Pudiera alguien poner en duda ésta afirmación planteando que estamos en el año 2010.
Aclaro.No ESTAMOS.
Quienes leen ésto ESTÁN en 2010.
Pero no me causa problema explicarles ésto desde mi presente,ya que para mí es cotidiano darles explicaciones a retrasados mentales.
Pero no tomen ofensa al leer ésto,pues aclaro que en éste año 3000,alguien que no tenga la habilidad para llevar a cabo un trasplante cerebral casero,es considerado como minusválido de la mente.
El caso que ahora les planteo se desarrolla en éste mismo instante en un centro penitenciario a donde imparto cursos.Resulta que algunos de mis alumnos me tienen encadenado de los pies y por lo que veo han traído un perro grande y se aprestan a llevar a cabo un trasplante de cerebro que involucra el del can y el mío.
Les estoy transmitiendo ésto a su época pués la única comunicación posible fué ésta que ahora mismo leen por internet; y la envío con la esperanza de que alguien en mi época la intercepte y me auxilie.
Ahí viene hacia mí el de la jeringa con la anestesia.Les sigo contando mientras pueda.
FIN. clic down for english version.
I work as a professor at a mental retardation center in the year 3000.
Whoever might be reading this might ask themselves how this could be possible since we are in the year 2010.
I hereby clarify,YOU are in 2010,not ME. As previously stated I am in the year 3000.
I feel no burden explaining this for it is customary for me to render explanations to retards.
Before you take offense let me state that in my current time,not being able to perform a brain transplant is considered a sign of mental retardation.
The current issue going on here,is the fact that some of my pupils at a psycho ward in the prison have chained up my ankles to the bed and they have brought a dog and from what I gathered they are about to perform brain transplant surgery between the dog and myself.
I had no other way of sending an SOS except this post you now read on the internet with the hope someone will intercept it and rescue me.
The guy with the anesthesia syringe is coming towards me,I will continue transmitting as long as I can.
THE END clic down for more stories. haga clic y lea más.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Micro story about a summer death---micro relato acerca de una muerte en verano. Copyright Carlos de la Parra.(sigue versión en español)
It was the hottest day of the Texas summer.The police investigators were taking notes and photos.One dead 46 year old male,tall,well dressed,face down on the sidewalk,gunshot wound at chest area.They were interrupted by the beautiful woman,heavily clad in thick mink coat,who came out of the mansion and stared.
The detective couldn't help asking---Aren't you hot wearing that fur?--
---No,---she answered,---murder makes me feel cold.---
---How do you know it was murder?---
---Because I killed him--- she answered.
THE spanish version.
Era el día más caluroso del verano en Texas.Los investigadores de policía tomaban las notas y las fotos.
Cadaver de un hombre de 46 años,alto,bien vestido,encontrado boca abajo sobre la acera,con herida de bala en el pecho.Se vieron interrumpidos por la presencia de la mujer hermosa,quien salió de la mansión y permaneció mirando fijamente.La dama vestía un grueso abrigo de mink.
El detective le preguntó---¿No siente calor con ésas pieles?---
---No,---fué su respuesta,---los asesinatos me dan frío.---
---¿Y cómo sabe que fué asesinato?---
---Porque yo lo maté.---fué su respuesta.
FIN. haga clic más abajo.Más relatos bilingües.
The detective couldn't help asking---Aren't you hot wearing that fur?--
---No,---she answered,---murder makes me feel cold.---
---How do you know it was murder?---
---Because I killed him--- she answered.
THE spanish version.
Era el día más caluroso del verano en Texas.Los investigadores de policía tomaban las notas y las fotos.
Cadaver de un hombre de 46 años,alto,bien vestido,encontrado boca abajo sobre la acera,con herida de bala en el pecho.Se vieron interrumpidos por la presencia de la mujer hermosa,quien salió de la mansión y permaneció mirando fijamente.La dama vestía un grueso abrigo de mink.
El detective le preguntó---¿No siente calor con ésas pieles?---
---No,---fué su respuesta,---los asesinatos me dan frío.---
---¿Y cómo sabe que fué asesinato?---
---Porque yo lo maté.---fué su respuesta.
FIN. haga clic más abajo.Más relatos bilingües.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Micro relato acerca de lo que nadie pudo comprender---Micro story about something no one could understand.Copyright Carlos de la Parra IN BILINGUAL PRESENTATION,spanish and english..
El profesor Victor Franco había logrado crear una fórmula que quien la bebía podía volar. Los del gobierno y el departamento de defensa querían utilizarla para propósitos bélicos.
Fueron a su granja en Connecticut para presionarlo,pues él se negaba a revelar los ingredientes.Desesperado ante el acoso,les dijo que le daría agua a su vaca y los atendía;pero en realidad le dió el brevage a la res.Para sorpresa de todos salió volando,montado sobre el animal;y evitaron ser detectados por el radar volando bajo;pero por las costas de Florida los atrapó un huracán ,y desvió su rumbo iendo a parar hasta un remoto poblado de la India.La vaca estaba cansada de tanto volar y sufría de sed así que ahí mismo aterrizó.
Los aldeanos al ver éste suceso consideraron que ambos el profesor y la vaca eran deidades,por lo cual comenzaron a adorarlos,e instalarlos en su nueva vivienda ;el templo local.
Casualmente llovió,cesando así una prolongada sequía ,y éste beneficio fué atribuído a los nuevos dioses.
Toda la población se volcó a brindarles banquetes y festejos,y como dicen que a lo bueno se acostumbra uno rápido,ambos disfrutaban innumerables goces que les proporcionaban sus seguidores.
Pero el día en que el profesor encontró en un mercado local las estampitas que lo mostraban volando montado en su vaca,comprendió que era hora de emprender nuevamente el vuelo,pues tarde o temprano una estampita de éstas llegaría a manos del gobierno. english version.
NOW ENGLISH VERSION. amazing story involving a scientific breakthrough. TOP SECRET.
Reading is only authorized to people in their right mind. AWESOME REPORT OF EVENTS.
Professor Victor Frank had developed a formula that once you drank it,it would enable you to fly,literally.
The government and the defense department had him under pressure to release his secret mix to be used as warfare,and he was furious,since he had envisioned a myriad of benefits that could be derived by a flying humanity,and many ways for it to be a contributing factor to world peace and reduction of pollution from cars and aircraft.
At his farm in Connecticut,he saw the whole parade arrive;the spooks,the uniforms,the politicians and some people from the banking and bussiness community,yeah,they could all smell the money,he thought.
He regretfuly welcomed them into the main house,and told them he would join them as soon as he watered the cows,causing the amused repressed smile that said,check the eccentric genius.
But to everyone's surprise he had his favorite cow drink the beverage,and proceeded to mount on it and went airborne right in front of their dropped jaws.
He started flying southwards,at low altitude to avoid the radar,but a great hurricane wind made him change course,and the next thing you know,they landed at a remote village in India.
As it might be expected,they considered the professor an the cow an incarnation of an arriving deity,and this happen to coincide with a welcome abundant rainfall after a lengthy drought they had been enduring;so the entire village exploded in a celebration beyond anything seen in Bollywood .
Both of these newest gods were moved into the main temple,and were showered with pleasures and attention that almost set them in a real nirvanic trance.
But one day the professor was strolling around a local market,and he realized it was time to leave as he saw they were selling stamps with his with a picture of him riding the flying cow.It would be a matter of days before one of those images got to the government people.
THE END. clic down to older posts for more extreme reading.
Haga clic hacia abajo y encuentre más de 125 relatos de un extremo no sé qué.
Fueron a su granja en Connecticut para presionarlo,pues él se negaba a revelar los ingredientes.Desesperado ante el acoso,les dijo que le daría agua a su vaca y los atendía;pero en realidad le dió el brevage a la res.Para sorpresa de todos salió volando,montado sobre el animal;y evitaron ser detectados por el radar volando bajo;pero por las costas de Florida los atrapó un huracán ,y desvió su rumbo iendo a parar hasta un remoto poblado de la India.La vaca estaba cansada de tanto volar y sufría de sed así que ahí mismo aterrizó.
Los aldeanos al ver éste suceso consideraron que ambos el profesor y la vaca eran deidades,por lo cual comenzaron a adorarlos,e instalarlos en su nueva vivienda ;el templo local.
Casualmente llovió,cesando así una prolongada sequía ,y éste beneficio fué atribuído a los nuevos dioses.
Toda la población se volcó a brindarles banquetes y festejos,y como dicen que a lo bueno se acostumbra uno rápido,ambos disfrutaban innumerables goces que les proporcionaban sus seguidores.
Pero el día en que el profesor encontró en un mercado local las estampitas que lo mostraban volando montado en su vaca,comprendió que era hora de emprender nuevamente el vuelo,pues tarde o temprano una estampita de éstas llegaría a manos del gobierno. english version.
NOW ENGLISH VERSION. amazing story involving a scientific breakthrough. TOP SECRET.
Reading is only authorized to people in their right mind. AWESOME REPORT OF EVENTS.
Professor Victor Frank had developed a formula that once you drank it,it would enable you to fly,literally.
The government and the defense department had him under pressure to release his secret mix to be used as warfare,and he was furious,since he had envisioned a myriad of benefits that could be derived by a flying humanity,and many ways for it to be a contributing factor to world peace and reduction of pollution from cars and aircraft.
At his farm in Connecticut,he saw the whole parade arrive;the spooks,the uniforms,the politicians and some people from the banking and bussiness community,yeah,they could all smell the money,he thought.
He regretfuly welcomed them into the main house,and told them he would join them as soon as he watered the cows,causing the amused repressed smile that said,check the eccentric genius.
But to everyone's surprise he had his favorite cow drink the beverage,and proceeded to mount on it and went airborne right in front of their dropped jaws.
He started flying southwards,at low altitude to avoid the radar,but a great hurricane wind made him change course,and the next thing you know,they landed at a remote village in India.
As it might be expected,they considered the professor an the cow an incarnation of an arriving deity,and this happen to coincide with a welcome abundant rainfall after a lengthy drought they had been enduring;so the entire village exploded in a celebration beyond anything seen in Bollywood .
Both of these newest gods were moved into the main temple,and were showered with pleasures and attention that almost set them in a real nirvanic trance.
But one day the professor was strolling around a local market,and he realized it was time to leave as he saw they were selling stamps with his with a picture of him riding the flying cow.It would be a matter of days before one of those images got to the government people.
THE END. clic down to older posts for more extreme reading.
Haga clic hacia abajo y encuentre más de 125 relatos de un extremo no sé qué.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Micro relato de lo que vió una mosca en un despacho editorial---Microstory from a fly's viewpoint at an editor's office. Copyright:Carlos de la Parra
EDITOR---Just give me a story about a guy that gets up from bed on a cold morning,and it ends right there.
WRITER---Is that meant as promotion,you mean like a slogan,a one liner?
EDITOR---You're a writer,make it longer,make it 300 pages long.
WRITER---But who would read such a book?
EDITOR---The russians.This will be exclusively for the russian market.
WRITER---And why don't they hire a russian author to write it?
EDITOR---They want the american viewpoint.Hey,and don't forget to add lots of sex.
clic down for more extreme spanish version.
EDITOR---Escríbame una historia en que un tipo se levanta de la cama,y yá,que acabe ahí.
ESCRITOR---Oiga,pero si éso es todo,va a quedar en un renglón.
EDITOR---Usted es escritor.Alárguelo a 300 páginas.
ESCRITOR---Oiga pero,¿ Habrá lectores para un libro así?
EDITOR---Claro,los rusos.Ésto se va a publicar exclusivamente en rusia.
ESCRITOR---¿Y porqué no contratan a un autor ruso?
ESCRITOR---Quieren el sabor americano.Y no olvides agregarle mucho sexo.
FIN. con disculpas a quienes leyeron ésta idiotez,pero en cuanto más se vá iendo a posts más antiguos,vá mejorando,pues mi mente había disminuído menos.
WRITER---Is that meant as promotion,you mean like a slogan,a one liner?
EDITOR---You're a writer,make it longer,make it 300 pages long.
WRITER---But who would read such a book?
EDITOR---The russians.This will be exclusively for the russian market.
WRITER---And why don't they hire a russian author to write it?
EDITOR---They want the american viewpoint.Hey,and don't forget to add lots of sex.
clic down for more extreme spanish version.
EDITOR---Escríbame una historia en que un tipo se levanta de la cama,y yá,que acabe ahí.
ESCRITOR---Oiga,pero si éso es todo,va a quedar en un renglón.
EDITOR---Usted es escritor.Alárguelo a 300 páginas.
ESCRITOR---Oiga pero,¿ Habrá lectores para un libro así?
EDITOR---Claro,los rusos.Ésto se va a publicar exclusivamente en rusia.
ESCRITOR---¿Y porqué no contratan a un autor ruso?
ESCRITOR---Quieren el sabor americano.Y no olvides agregarle mucho sexo.
FIN. con disculpas a quienes leyeron ésta idiotez,pero en cuanto más se vá iendo a posts más antiguos,vá mejorando,pues mi mente había disminuído menos.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Los paraísos,por muy cliché que ésto parezca,casi siempre se encuentran en las costas o en las montañas.
Aunque no hay que eliminar alguna ciudad grande ,donde cualquier cosa puede pasar.
Pero éste recuerdo viene de Barra de Navidad,Jalisco,en México.Su nombre surge de que el lugar es una gran extensión de tierra ,que de un lado tiene una laguna y del otro el oceano pacífico,y los pescadores llegan con las lanchas atiborradas de camarón y deliciosos peces,que son preparados en tendajones ahí en la misma playa,que cada tarde se llena de bañistas que contemplan como el sol se convierte en una gigantesca moneda de oro que se va sumergiendo en el mar.Apoteósico.
Filmábamos ahí una cinta de Charles Bronson,en la cual participaban también Katherine Deneuve,Fernando Rey y Gilbert Roland;el rol mío era un hijo de un pescador al que habian ahogado unos buzos nazis;y desde luego que Charles Bronson se vengaba de ellos,ya que era la época en que la venganza era su especialidad.
El caso es que un día ví a un americano muy elegante que pasó el día sentado en la silla del director,acompañado de dos hermosas modelos,por lo cual todos asumimos que era algún productor que venía de Hollywood a estar pendiente del rodaje.Me acerqué a ellos y charlamos un poco acerca de los pormenores de la escena que acabábamos de terminar,y luego le pregunté que si él era de los productores .
Dijo que no,que como vió ahí la silla del director desocupada y a nosotros filmando,pensó que nadie se molestaría de que la ocupase un rato con sus hermosas amigas.Y así fué,ya que por la pinta que tenían ,los demás asistentes de la producción asumieron lo mismo,que era alguien de arriba.
Ya en toma de cervezas y departiendo todos como amigos,dijo que nos invitaba a un grupo grande a una fiesta que el celebraba en una hermosa casa de playa que había rentado.
Con la alegría que todos traíamos,fuimos a la casa y se puso animado el baile,y corrió el champagne y la pasamos todos enorme.
Ya al amanecer,apareció una cocinera preparando un desayuno sensacional,y ahí en la plática me dijo que yo le parecía un buen amigo y un tipo en el que se podía confiar.---Hombre ,gracias,¿Qué me quieres confiar?---
Me dijo:---Tengo una maleta grande,llena de billetes de cien dólares,y te los puedes llevar al veinte por ciento,sería una buena oportunidad para tí.
---¿Y que tal están?---pregunté por curiosidad.
---Están perfectos,---Respondió.
No tuve que pensarlo mucho.Acababa de nacer hace unos días mi segundo hijo,y un lugar al que jamás tomaría el riesgo de caer ahí,es una prisión.Así que respondí.
---Ciertamente que sé ser amigo;y además te agradezco que nos hayas traído a tu exquisita fiesta.Y escúchame bien,soy tan buen amigo,y puedes confiar en mí,tanto,que lo que me acabas de proponer jamás lo escuché.---
Entendió,y nos despedimos.Jamás comenté éso con nadie,y repito,yo no aceptaría vivir del crimen.Pero tengo el recuerdo de las mujeres hermosas y una colección de gente,de película.
FIN....CLIC DOWN for more stories in english. Vaya a older posts,hay micros.
Aunque no hay que eliminar alguna ciudad grande ,donde cualquier cosa puede pasar.
Pero éste recuerdo viene de Barra de Navidad,Jalisco,en México.Su nombre surge de que el lugar es una gran extensión de tierra ,que de un lado tiene una laguna y del otro el oceano pacífico,y los pescadores llegan con las lanchas atiborradas de camarón y deliciosos peces,que son preparados en tendajones ahí en la misma playa,que cada tarde se llena de bañistas que contemplan como el sol se convierte en una gigantesca moneda de oro que se va sumergiendo en el mar.Apoteósico.
Filmábamos ahí una cinta de Charles Bronson,en la cual participaban también Katherine Deneuve,Fernando Rey y Gilbert Roland;el rol mío era un hijo de un pescador al que habian ahogado unos buzos nazis;y desde luego que Charles Bronson se vengaba de ellos,ya que era la época en que la venganza era su especialidad.
El caso es que un día ví a un americano muy elegante que pasó el día sentado en la silla del director,acompañado de dos hermosas modelos,por lo cual todos asumimos que era algún productor que venía de Hollywood a estar pendiente del rodaje.Me acerqué a ellos y charlamos un poco acerca de los pormenores de la escena que acabábamos de terminar,y luego le pregunté que si él era de los productores .
Dijo que no,que como vió ahí la silla del director desocupada y a nosotros filmando,pensó que nadie se molestaría de que la ocupase un rato con sus hermosas amigas.Y así fué,ya que por la pinta que tenían ,los demás asistentes de la producción asumieron lo mismo,que era alguien de arriba.
Ya en toma de cervezas y departiendo todos como amigos,dijo que nos invitaba a un grupo grande a una fiesta que el celebraba en una hermosa casa de playa que había rentado.
Con la alegría que todos traíamos,fuimos a la casa y se puso animado el baile,y corrió el champagne y la pasamos todos enorme.
Ya al amanecer,apareció una cocinera preparando un desayuno sensacional,y ahí en la plática me dijo que yo le parecía un buen amigo y un tipo en el que se podía confiar.---Hombre ,gracias,¿Qué me quieres confiar?---
Me dijo:---Tengo una maleta grande,llena de billetes de cien dólares,y te los puedes llevar al veinte por ciento,sería una buena oportunidad para tí.
---¿Y que tal están?---pregunté por curiosidad.
---Están perfectos,---Respondió.
No tuve que pensarlo mucho.Acababa de nacer hace unos días mi segundo hijo,y un lugar al que jamás tomaría el riesgo de caer ahí,es una prisión.Así que respondí.
---Ciertamente que sé ser amigo;y además te agradezco que nos hayas traído a tu exquisita fiesta.Y escúchame bien,soy tan buen amigo,y puedes confiar en mí,tanto,que lo que me acabas de proponer jamás lo escuché.---
Entendió,y nos despedimos.Jamás comenté éso con nadie,y repito,yo no aceptaría vivir del crimen.Pero tengo el recuerdo de las mujeres hermosas y una colección de gente,de película.
FIN....CLIC DOWN for more stories in english. Vaya a older posts,hay micros.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Micro relato acerca del ocio divino---MICRO STORY ABOUT DIVINE LEISURE. copyright Carlos de la Parra.english version ,clic down.
Nunca supe porqué la vida me había marcado con un caudal de trabajo tan intenso,que rayaba en la esclavitud. Vivía dentro de las agotadoras e infinitas labores de una granja,donde yo crecí.
Y ésto no me ocurría solo a mí,sino a toda mi familia;mis padres,mis siete hermanos y hasta los caballos ,las reses y las gallinas,nos veíamos atrapados por una vorágine de tareas agotadoras,que nos consumían día con día,hasta caer rendidos,y parecía ser que solamente yo tenía conciencia de que ésto no debía ser así.
Mi curiosidad insaciable se acrecentó al llegar yo a la adolescencia,y en algunos viajes que hice a las ciudades grandes para entregar pedidos de huevos ,quesos y leche;tuve ocasión de conocer algunos gurús de la ciencia yoga,quienes me instruyeron en las prácticas de la meditación,y de la grandeza creativa que existe en la NO ACCIÓN PURA,consistente en alcanzar un estado de iluminación de la mente,por medio de serenarse totalmente,abstrayéndose de toda actividad y trabajo para entrar en un trance de tipo nirvánico.
Además de los beneficios físicos y espirituales que iba yo adquiriendo con éstas disciplinas,tenía uno más que adquiría por la omisión de tomar parte en el ciclo de tareas que han venido sitiando al conglomerado humano desde tiempos inmemoriales;y los cuales como resultado han dado a luz ,a ése monstruo del progreso,que en realidad,contamina ,destruye,tala selvas y bosques,exacerba competencias por avaricia,exalta guerras y enemistades,y dá crecimiento a consorcios y estructuras financieras,que a su vez gestan más opresión y degradación hasta traernos a la descomposición social que hemos alcanzado en nuestros días.
Por dedicarme a meditar y abstraerme de los trabajos de la granja,mi padre y mis hermanos terminaron echándome de ahí por vago,así se referían a mí.
Así que me fuí a quedar a la huerta de mi abuela,quien resultó ser muy receptiva a mis explicaciones acerca de la búsqueda de la iluminación divina,también conocida como el samhadi,éstado bajo el cual ;uno se funde con el cosmos y se libra de toda la personalidad egoísta,competitiva e inquieta,que padece la mayoría de la humanidad en una suerte de neurosis colectiva;y los lleva a vivir una vida frustrada y neurótica,cuando no viciosa y desgastante,para acabar no logrando jamás la pretendida felicidad.
Un día me encontraba en armonía con la cascada de la fuente del jardín de mi abuela,sentado en posición de loto,y mis manos posicionadas en una configuración conocida cómo mudra;y llegaron de visita mi padre y mis hermanos y le reclamaron a la abuela que ella estuviése cortando leña mientras yo no hacía nada .
Recuerdo con cariño que ella les dijo--"Déjenlo, que el se ocupa de las cosas más importantes del planeta,además a mí cortar leña me mantiene fuerte.No estorben lo que no comprenden.No produzcan mal karma."
FIN. haga clic más abajo y lea más historias extremas.
From my earliest memories I remember working in a farm along with my dad and seven brothers;all of us worked ourselves to the bone,tending horses,chickens and cows; and even the animals seemed to exist in conditions of slavery,due to the humongous pace of activity that seemed to consume all of us.
The main problem for me was that everyone else seemed to agree with this extreme way of life except myself.
In my early teens,as I did every possible effort to avoid farm labor,I began delivering orders of eggs,milk and cheese to customers in larger cities;and this brought me in contact with gurus that instructed me in the path of yoga. I learned about PURE NON ACTION,which is a practice that leads to stop the karmatic chain reaction,where an apparently worthy endeavour;let's say cattle raising,more than deriving a final benefit,causes pollution,deforestation and shortage of water in the planet.And this type of industry is only an example of many more instances that have brought us into the current state of caos.The development of war zones,finantial greed spawned by corrupt alliances of bankers and politicians,devastation of the rain forest and it's species,corporate pollution,and of the seas,all known by everyone.
So ,in short,my dedication to meditating resulted in my being expelled from the family farm,everyone said I was a bum.
So I moved into my grandmother's place down the road,where she kept an orchard raising fruit trees and flowers;and she was quite receptive to everything that I explained regarding the ways of acquiring enlightment through all the paths of yoga and other oriental disciplines that have existed there since 5000B.C.
Immediately it was clear to her,that it is quite valid to seek exclusion from the current neurotic competitive society,that has led humanity into vice,and collective madness.
One day,I remember how I was in blissful state of meditation,while my grandma was chopping firewood,and I was interrupted by a visit from my dad and my brothers,who voiced complaints to her,saying that I should be doing the work and she should be resting by the fountain. I can still remember her words with pleasure.
---"Let him do his works of the spirit,he's great at his pure doing nothing,which by the way ,he does great.
And chopping firewood has helped me stay in good health,so don't go interrupting good karma,please".
THE END. clic all over the site for more stories.
Y ésto no me ocurría solo a mí,sino a toda mi familia;mis padres,mis siete hermanos y hasta los caballos ,las reses y las gallinas,nos veíamos atrapados por una vorágine de tareas agotadoras,que nos consumían día con día,hasta caer rendidos,y parecía ser que solamente yo tenía conciencia de que ésto no debía ser así.
Mi curiosidad insaciable se acrecentó al llegar yo a la adolescencia,y en algunos viajes que hice a las ciudades grandes para entregar pedidos de huevos ,quesos y leche;tuve ocasión de conocer algunos gurús de la ciencia yoga,quienes me instruyeron en las prácticas de la meditación,y de la grandeza creativa que existe en la NO ACCIÓN PURA,consistente en alcanzar un estado de iluminación de la mente,por medio de serenarse totalmente,abstrayéndose de toda actividad y trabajo para entrar en un trance de tipo nirvánico.
Además de los beneficios físicos y espirituales que iba yo adquiriendo con éstas disciplinas,tenía uno más que adquiría por la omisión de tomar parte en el ciclo de tareas que han venido sitiando al conglomerado humano desde tiempos inmemoriales;y los cuales como resultado han dado a luz ,a ése monstruo del progreso,que en realidad,contamina ,destruye,tala selvas y bosques,exacerba competencias por avaricia,exalta guerras y enemistades,y dá crecimiento a consorcios y estructuras financieras,que a su vez gestan más opresión y degradación hasta traernos a la descomposición social que hemos alcanzado en nuestros días.
Por dedicarme a meditar y abstraerme de los trabajos de la granja,mi padre y mis hermanos terminaron echándome de ahí por vago,así se referían a mí.
Así que me fuí a quedar a la huerta de mi abuela,quien resultó ser muy receptiva a mis explicaciones acerca de la búsqueda de la iluminación divina,también conocida como el samhadi,éstado bajo el cual ;uno se funde con el cosmos y se libra de toda la personalidad egoísta,competitiva e inquieta,que padece la mayoría de la humanidad en una suerte de neurosis colectiva;y los lleva a vivir una vida frustrada y neurótica,cuando no viciosa y desgastante,para acabar no logrando jamás la pretendida felicidad.
Un día me encontraba en armonía con la cascada de la fuente del jardín de mi abuela,sentado en posición de loto,y mis manos posicionadas en una configuración conocida cómo mudra;y llegaron de visita mi padre y mis hermanos y le reclamaron a la abuela que ella estuviése cortando leña mientras yo no hacía nada .
Recuerdo con cariño que ella les dijo--"Déjenlo, que el se ocupa de las cosas más importantes del planeta,además a mí cortar leña me mantiene fuerte.No estorben lo que no comprenden.No produzcan mal karma."
FIN. haga clic más abajo y lea más historias extremas.
From my earliest memories I remember working in a farm along with my dad and seven brothers;all of us worked ourselves to the bone,tending horses,chickens and cows; and even the animals seemed to exist in conditions of slavery,due to the humongous pace of activity that seemed to consume all of us.
The main problem for me was that everyone else seemed to agree with this extreme way of life except myself.
In my early teens,as I did every possible effort to avoid farm labor,I began delivering orders of eggs,milk and cheese to customers in larger cities;and this brought me in contact with gurus that instructed me in the path of yoga. I learned about PURE NON ACTION,which is a practice that leads to stop the karmatic chain reaction,where an apparently worthy endeavour;let's say cattle raising,more than deriving a final benefit,causes pollution,deforestation and shortage of water in the planet.And this type of industry is only an example of many more instances that have brought us into the current state of caos.The development of war zones,finantial greed spawned by corrupt alliances of bankers and politicians,devastation of the rain forest and it's species,corporate pollution,and of the seas,all known by everyone.
So ,in short,my dedication to meditating resulted in my being expelled from the family farm,everyone said I was a bum.
So I moved into my grandmother's place down the road,where she kept an orchard raising fruit trees and flowers;and she was quite receptive to everything that I explained regarding the ways of acquiring enlightment through all the paths of yoga and other oriental disciplines that have existed there since 5000B.C.
Immediately it was clear to her,that it is quite valid to seek exclusion from the current neurotic competitive society,that has led humanity into vice,and collective madness.
One day,I remember how I was in blissful state of meditation,while my grandma was chopping firewood,and I was interrupted by a visit from my dad and my brothers,who voiced complaints to her,saying that I should be doing the work and she should be resting by the fountain. I can still remember her words with pleasure.
---"Let him do his works of the spirit,he's great at his pure doing nothing,which by the way ,he does great.
And chopping firewood has helped me stay in good health,so don't go interrupting good karma,please".
THE END. clic all over the site for more stories.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Micro story told in haiku---Micro relato narrado en haiku. copyright Carlos de la Parra.
Springtime came frozen,the lizard on the garden wall was shitting ice.
La primavera llegó helada,la lagartija en el muro del jardín cagaba hielo.
La primavera llegó helada,la lagartija en el muro del jardín cagaba hielo.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Micro story about the honest judge ( versions in two languages-clic down to read yours---versión español e inglés haga clic y encuentre)EL JUEZ HONESTO.copyright Carlos de la Parra.
The accused faced the honest judge.His honor asked him why had he repeated the offense of chicken stealing.
THE ACCUSED---Your honor,I want to ask you why must a man do prison time for stealing a chicken when he is hungry,while some politicians an powerful men are walking around free after stealing so much more and covering up other crimes of worst nature?
THE HONEST JUDGE---Well Johnny,to answer your question honestly,it's because these major criminals have funds to afford better lawyers,and you don't,so you shouldn't steal chickens when you are hungry,there are many ways of getting food without stealing,try working,try charity,try raising your own chickens.
THE ACCUSED---You make it sound so easy.
THE HONEST JUDGE---No I don't,I'm well aware nothing is easy,you're the one choosing the easy way out.I studied law for twelve years to become a judge,and they only assign me to cases of petty theft because I'm known as the honest judge and high end criminals and their lawyers make sure their cases don't come to me,because I'll fry them or give them the max.
I'm going to pay for this chicken Johnny,but next time I'll let them arrest you.
It's ok officer,you can release him,there's no charges.Right?
SUPERMARKET OWNER---Right your honor ,there's no charges,he's lucky you were shopping here for your whiskey.
THE HONEST JUDGE---Yeah ,sometimes a man needs a drink to get over things.
THE END. CLIC ALL OVER THIS SITE.find extreme stuff.
El acusado éstaba cara a cara frente al juez honesto.Su señoría le preguntó porque razón había reincidido en el delito de robo de pollo.
EL ACUSADO---Su señoría yo sólo quiero preguntarle porqué a uno que roba pollos lo condenan a prisión
y en cambio a un político o algún poderoso que comete peores crímenes y encubrimientos,constantemente les dejan en libertad.
EL JUEZ HONESTO---Eso es algo muy sencillo de responder,Juanito.Éstos señores a los que te refieres,generalmente cuentan con influencias y dinero para pagarse buenos abogados,en cambio no es así en tu caso,por lo cual no debes recurrir al robo cuando tengas hambre.Intenta el trabajo,o la caridad,incluso la crianza de pollos,que por lo visto son de tu predilección.
EL ACUSADO---Usted dice ésto como si fuera tan fácil.
EL JUEZ HONESTO---NO,Juanito,para nada pienso yo que sea tan fácil;aquí el único que buscó una salida fácil eres tú.A mi me costó doce años de trabajo y estudios convertirme en juez;pero como se me conoce como el juez honesto,me asignan sólamente a casos de delitos menores.Los criminales en gran escala ,el sistema y sus abogados se encargan de que dichos casos no se me asignen ,pues saben de antemano que no me vendo y que si puedo los hago freír vivos o los pongo a la sombra con penas máximas.
Voy a pagar por éste pollo Juanito,pero a la otra los dejo que te arresten.Puede dejarlo en libertad,oficial,por falta de cargos.¿No es así Martín?
---Así es,su señoría---Contestó el gerente del supermercado.---Que suerte tuvo éste en que usted estuviese aquí comprando su whisky--
EL JUEZ HONESTO---Algo tiene uno que tomarse para poder seguir adelante.
FIN . LEA más .Haga clic por todo el sitio.Todo en dos idiomas.
THE ACCUSED---Your honor,I want to ask you why must a man do prison time for stealing a chicken when he is hungry,while some politicians an powerful men are walking around free after stealing so much more and covering up other crimes of worst nature?
THE HONEST JUDGE---Well Johnny,to answer your question honestly,it's because these major criminals have funds to afford better lawyers,and you don't,so you shouldn't steal chickens when you are hungry,there are many ways of getting food without stealing,try working,try charity,try raising your own chickens.
THE ACCUSED---You make it sound so easy.
THE HONEST JUDGE---No I don't,I'm well aware nothing is easy,you're the one choosing the easy way out.I studied law for twelve years to become a judge,and they only assign me to cases of petty theft because I'm known as the honest judge and high end criminals and their lawyers make sure their cases don't come to me,because I'll fry them or give them the max.
I'm going to pay for this chicken Johnny,but next time I'll let them arrest you.
It's ok officer,you can release him,there's no charges.Right?
SUPERMARKET OWNER---Right your honor ,there's no charges,he's lucky you were shopping here for your whiskey.
THE HONEST JUDGE---Yeah ,sometimes a man needs a drink to get over things.
THE END. CLIC ALL OVER THIS SITE.find extreme stuff.
El acusado éstaba cara a cara frente al juez honesto.Su señoría le preguntó porque razón había reincidido en el delito de robo de pollo.
EL ACUSADO---Su señoría yo sólo quiero preguntarle porqué a uno que roba pollos lo condenan a prisión
y en cambio a un político o algún poderoso que comete peores crímenes y encubrimientos,constantemente les dejan en libertad.
EL JUEZ HONESTO---Eso es algo muy sencillo de responder,Juanito.Éstos señores a los que te refieres,generalmente cuentan con influencias y dinero para pagarse buenos abogados,en cambio no es así en tu caso,por lo cual no debes recurrir al robo cuando tengas hambre.Intenta el trabajo,o la caridad,incluso la crianza de pollos,que por lo visto son de tu predilección.
EL ACUSADO---Usted dice ésto como si fuera tan fácil.
EL JUEZ HONESTO---NO,Juanito,para nada pienso yo que sea tan fácil;aquí el único que buscó una salida fácil eres tú.A mi me costó doce años de trabajo y estudios convertirme en juez;pero como se me conoce como el juez honesto,me asignan sólamente a casos de delitos menores.Los criminales en gran escala ,el sistema y sus abogados se encargan de que dichos casos no se me asignen ,pues saben de antemano que no me vendo y que si puedo los hago freír vivos o los pongo a la sombra con penas máximas.
Voy a pagar por éste pollo Juanito,pero a la otra los dejo que te arresten.Puede dejarlo en libertad,oficial,por falta de cargos.¿No es así Martín?
---Así es,su señoría---Contestó el gerente del supermercado.---Que suerte tuvo éste en que usted estuviese aquí comprando su whisky--
EL JUEZ HONESTO---Algo tiene uno que tomarse para poder seguir adelante.
FIN . LEA más .Haga clic por todo el sitio.Todo en dos idiomas.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Micro story NEIGHBORS---Micro relato it in both languages,spanish and english.Copyright Carlos de la Parra.
Los vecinos veían con horror como del camión de mudanzas descargaban una docena de féretros.Furiosos ante el hecho de que se estaba instalando una funeraria en su zona residencial;reunieron una comitiva ,y se acercaron para protestarle al tipo elegante que daba órdenes a los cargadores acerca de la distribución de los cajones de muerto. Su respuesta los dejó aún más preocupados:
----No estamos instalando una agencia funeraria;los señores están poniendo en su lugar las camas de la familia Drácula, quienes se mudan aquí ésta misma noche.Gusto en conocerles vecinos,mi nombre es Igor.
The neighbors watched horrified as the movers unloaded a dozen coffins.They were fuming facing the fact that a funeral home was being allowed in such a ritzy residential area.So they gathered up a comitee and went to voice their rejection to the well dressed gentleman that was obviously in charge.His reply only raised their concerns furthermore:
-----No,no,we are not about to open a funerary parlor.The men are just delivering these to be placed in the bedrooms of The Dracula family,who are moving in tonight,pleased to meet you,my name is Igor,I'm the butler.
THE END clic down read and comment,we will comment back.
----No estamos instalando una agencia funeraria;los señores están poniendo en su lugar las camas de la familia Drácula, quienes se mudan aquí ésta misma noche.Gusto en conocerles vecinos,mi nombre es Igor.
The neighbors watched horrified as the movers unloaded a dozen coffins.They were fuming facing the fact that a funeral home was being allowed in such a ritzy residential area.So they gathered up a comitee and went to voice their rejection to the well dressed gentleman that was obviously in charge.His reply only raised their concerns furthermore:
-----No,no,we are not about to open a funerary parlor.The men are just delivering these to be placed in the bedrooms of The Dracula family,who are moving in tonight,pleased to meet you,my name is Igor,I'm the butler.
THE END clic down read and comment,we will comment back.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Bryan Belmont was known to most people for his fascination with socks.Perhaps having been an only child,and influenced by his father who practiced extreme elegance in dressing;it was at an early age that he noticed that socks gave a very important feature to one's attire,since this garment would expose the dressing of the shins above the shoe,providing a statement of grace and gentry,that could rival a tie,a belt or a lapel pin or flower,even a hat.
Bryan was never rich or famous in a showbussiness ,or political sense;but earned a good retribuition as an expert interpreter in various languages,and he would spend a sizable part of his income in acquiring the finest and most incredible socks that could be bought,imported,and obtained through subscriptions in sock clubs from Europe in which he had membership.
As most collectors,he had a tendency to isolate himself,to tend to his hobby,if you want to call it that; his peers considered him a sock freak,and they were not far from the truth.So due to this reclusive existence he was still single at forty.
Then one day there was a major event organized by an international importers association where Bryan went to work interpreting for diverse representatives from various countries.After the speeches there was a banquet,and the owner of a major European clothing manufacturer requested that Bryan join him at his table and assist him with translation with other fellow atendees.He introduced Bryan to his only daughter,and when the young lady encouraged him to talk about what he liked most, obviously he spoke about socks.
She totally fell in love with him when she saw the amount of passion he could express wih something as banal as socks.It excited her to think how far this intensity could reach if it were taken to the love scenario.
In a few months they were married,and she taught him how to overcome his shyness,and turned him into what he is today,the top fashion in the world,specialized of course in socks.
Most people reading this might think this story is pure fiction.But then most people don't know that much about socks.
THE END. clic down to older posts.Next spanish version.SIGUE EN ESPAÑOL.
Baldomero Gantús era conocido entre sus parientes,amigos y compañeros de trabajo por su intensa afición calcetinar.Quizás debido a ser hijo único,tomó muy a pecho el ejemplo del padre,quien era un dandy al extremo,y le inculcó la fascinación con el atuendo,pero en especial,y a motu propio,por los calcetines.
Éstos fueron para él más que una prenda,algo como la demostración parcialmente oculta del buen vestir,que siempre terminaba haciendo aparición al estar sentado y cruzar una pierna,así como en los momentos más inesperados que ocurren durante un estiramiento.Y siendo la vestidura que coronaba un par de zapatos,desde la desaparición de las polainas,para el se tornaron en una obsesión que lo impulsó al coleccionismo,y búsqueda de algún par especial que pudiese obtener por compra,importación o suscripción a alguno de los clubes principales de aficionados al calcetín de los cuales era destacado miembro.
Como buen coleccionista su vida personal era bastante aíslada,dedicando casi el total de su tiempo libre al calcetinismo o calcetinofilia como gusten llamar a ésta práctica;y a pesar de ser un destacado intérprete de varios idiomas,debido a su crianza internacional por la carrera diplomática del padre;había llegado a los 40 todavía soltero.
Un buén día Baldomero es contratado para prestar sus servicios de intérprete en una convención internacional de industriales,y una vez que completó su labor traduciendo los discursos de los ponentes,fué invitado a la mesa del banquete por un rico fabricante de telas,quien además lo aprovechó para poder comunicarse con sus compañeros de gremio.Y ahí entre ellos venía la hermosa hija de éste magnate,quien durante la conversación tuvo a bien preguntarle a Baldomero cuales eran sus aficiones,y obvia decir que salieron a colación los calcetines;y al ver ella la pasión que él desplegó en éste tema ,tan banal para muchos,no pudo evitar imaginar la trasposición de éste sentir hacia el terreno amoroso.Y se enamoraron perdidamente,siendo la boda a los pocos meses.
En menos de un año,ella logró convencer a Baldomero de librarse de su timidez,y se puede decir que ejerció la influencia motor que causó que Baldomero Gantús se convirtiese en uno de los principales anfitriones de programas de moda internacionales en la televisión.La mayoría de quienes han leído ésto pueden pensar que se trata de un relato de ficción.Pero también deben considerar que la mayoría de las personas no sabe mucho acerca de calcetines.
FIN. haga clic en older posts,y encuentre más de ciento veinte micros.
Clic down for more than 120 microstories.Clic on older posts and enjoy an intense variety of whatever.
Bryan was never rich or famous in a showbussiness ,or political sense;but earned a good retribuition as an expert interpreter in various languages,and he would spend a sizable part of his income in acquiring the finest and most incredible socks that could be bought,imported,and obtained through subscriptions in sock clubs from Europe in which he had membership.
As most collectors,he had a tendency to isolate himself,to tend to his hobby,if you want to call it that; his peers considered him a sock freak,and they were not far from the truth.So due to this reclusive existence he was still single at forty.
Then one day there was a major event organized by an international importers association where Bryan went to work interpreting for diverse representatives from various countries.After the speeches there was a banquet,and the owner of a major European clothing manufacturer requested that Bryan join him at his table and assist him with translation with other fellow atendees.He introduced Bryan to his only daughter,and when the young lady encouraged him to talk about what he liked most, obviously he spoke about socks.
She totally fell in love with him when she saw the amount of passion he could express wih something as banal as socks.It excited her to think how far this intensity could reach if it were taken to the love scenario.
In a few months they were married,and she taught him how to overcome his shyness,and turned him into what he is today,the top fashion in the world,specialized of course in socks.
Most people reading this might think this story is pure fiction.But then most people don't know that much about socks.
THE END. clic down to older posts.Next spanish version.SIGUE EN ESPAÑOL.
Baldomero Gantús era conocido entre sus parientes,amigos y compañeros de trabajo por su intensa afición calcetinar.Quizás debido a ser hijo único,tomó muy a pecho el ejemplo del padre,quien era un dandy al extremo,y le inculcó la fascinación con el atuendo,pero en especial,y a motu propio,por los calcetines.
Éstos fueron para él más que una prenda,algo como la demostración parcialmente oculta del buen vestir,que siempre terminaba haciendo aparición al estar sentado y cruzar una pierna,así como en los momentos más inesperados que ocurren durante un estiramiento.Y siendo la vestidura que coronaba un par de zapatos,desde la desaparición de las polainas,para el se tornaron en una obsesión que lo impulsó al coleccionismo,y búsqueda de algún par especial que pudiese obtener por compra,importación o suscripción a alguno de los clubes principales de aficionados al calcetín de los cuales era destacado miembro.
Como buen coleccionista su vida personal era bastante aíslada,dedicando casi el total de su tiempo libre al calcetinismo o calcetinofilia como gusten llamar a ésta práctica;y a pesar de ser un destacado intérprete de varios idiomas,debido a su crianza internacional por la carrera diplomática del padre;había llegado a los 40 todavía soltero.
Un buén día Baldomero es contratado para prestar sus servicios de intérprete en una convención internacional de industriales,y una vez que completó su labor traduciendo los discursos de los ponentes,fué invitado a la mesa del banquete por un rico fabricante de telas,quien además lo aprovechó para poder comunicarse con sus compañeros de gremio.Y ahí entre ellos venía la hermosa hija de éste magnate,quien durante la conversación tuvo a bien preguntarle a Baldomero cuales eran sus aficiones,y obvia decir que salieron a colación los calcetines;y al ver ella la pasión que él desplegó en éste tema ,tan banal para muchos,no pudo evitar imaginar la trasposición de éste sentir hacia el terreno amoroso.Y se enamoraron perdidamente,siendo la boda a los pocos meses.
En menos de un año,ella logró convencer a Baldomero de librarse de su timidez,y se puede decir que ejerció la influencia motor que causó que Baldomero Gantús se convirtiese en uno de los principales anfitriones de programas de moda internacionales en la televisión.La mayoría de quienes han leído ésto pueden pensar que se trata de un relato de ficción.Pero también deben considerar que la mayoría de las personas no sabe mucho acerca de calcetines.
FIN. haga clic en older posts,y encuentre más de ciento veinte micros.
Clic down for more than 120 microstories.Clic on older posts and enjoy an intense variety of whatever.
Monday, March 8, 2010
micro relato de psiquiátrica intensidad---microstory about intense psychiatric events. copyright Carlos de la Parra.clic down and read english version.
El conocido psiquiatra recibió la visita de un paciente,que salía de los límites de la cordura a grados tan extremos,que sólo expresaba incoherencias.Al soportar diez minutos seguidos de algo parecido a una canción de rap en una lengua extraña,el médico saltó sorpresivamente y con los piés contra la pared,se impulsó hacia el techo,de donde se hacía rebotar dando expertas maromas , además dando giros de sacacorchos,y siempre volviendo a caer de pié sobre su escritorio.Ésto lo repitió progresivamente más veloz ,causando tal asombro en el loco,que éste preguntó--- ¿Pero por que hace ésto doctor?---
Y el médico contestó:---Porque no sólo me estoy volviendo loco de tener que ver con tanto loco,sino que estoy entrenando para mejor vivir del circo----
FIN. haga clic por todo el sitio.Todo en dos idiomas y lleno de enlaces.
The well known psychiatrist was interviewing a patient who had totally lost it ,and had started ranting in a very incoherent speech that sounded more like a rap song in a weird language.After putting up with about ten minutes of this,the doctor suddenly went into a flipping motion ,landing with his feet on the wall,and propelling himself to bounce from the ceiling,performing complicated corkscrew spins,and invariably landing on his desk.This totally amazed the madman,to the point that he came back to his senses and asked ---Why are you doing that doctor?---
The psychiatrist replied----Because all of you madmen,are driving me nuts! I am training for the circus,so I can proceed to earn a decent living,if you don't mind!
Y el médico contestó:---Porque no sólo me estoy volviendo loco de tener que ver con tanto loco,sino que estoy entrenando para mejor vivir del circo----
FIN. haga clic por todo el sitio.Todo en dos idiomas y lleno de enlaces.
The well known psychiatrist was interviewing a patient who had totally lost it ,and had started ranting in a very incoherent speech that sounded more like a rap song in a weird language.After putting up with about ten minutes of this,the doctor suddenly went into a flipping motion ,landing with his feet on the wall,and propelling himself to bounce from the ceiling,performing complicated corkscrew spins,and invariably landing on his desk.This totally amazed the madman,to the point that he came back to his senses and asked ---Why are you doing that doctor?---
The psychiatrist replied----Because all of you madmen,are driving me nuts! I am training for the circus,so I can proceed to earn a decent living,if you don't mind!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Micro story about a great ending---Micro relato acerca de un gran final. Copyright Carlos de la Parra.
click further down for spanish version. clic hacia abajo para versión en español.
It was just another day in the life of the writer.He was rather bored and having writer's block.
So he decided to start writing anything that came to mind to get unstuck.He wrote on his laptop,"Let's proceed directly to the end of history".Hey,that has a good ring,it can bring about some good science fiction idea.
At that very instant somebody read this at a megaspy cybercenter,and pressed the button to blow up the entire planet,even though this person ignored the results of doing this,upon receiving this code.He was just following orders.
THE END of THE END. sigue en español.
Fué un día cualquiera en la vida del escritor.Más bien se encontraba aburrido y con las ideas bloqueadas.
Así que decidió comenzar anotando lo que fuése para destrabarse.Y tecleó en su laptop : "Procedamos a comenzar exáctamente al final de la historia".Oiga,ésto suena bien,y de aquí es probable que me surja algo
bueno de ciencia ficción,pensó.
En ése preciso instante,alguien recibió éstas letras en un megaordenador espía,y oprimió el botón que hizo volar al planeta;ésta persona ignoraba los resultados que traería activar el mecanismo final.Se limitaba a cumplir órdenes.
FIN. lea más. read on.
It was just another day in the life of the writer.He was rather bored and having writer's block.
So he decided to start writing anything that came to mind to get unstuck.He wrote on his laptop,"Let's proceed directly to the end of history".Hey,that has a good ring,it can bring about some good science fiction idea.
At that very instant somebody read this at a megaspy cybercenter,and pressed the button to blow up the entire planet,even though this person ignored the results of doing this,upon receiving this code.He was just following orders.
THE END of THE END. sigue en español.
Fué un día cualquiera en la vida del escritor.Más bien se encontraba aburrido y con las ideas bloqueadas.
Así que decidió comenzar anotando lo que fuése para destrabarse.Y tecleó en su laptop : "Procedamos a comenzar exáctamente al final de la historia".Oiga,ésto suena bien,y de aquí es probable que me surja algo
bueno de ciencia ficción,pensó.
En ése preciso instante,alguien recibió éstas letras en un megaordenador espía,y oprimió el botón que hizo volar al planeta;ésta persona ignoraba los resultados que traería activar el mecanismo final.Se limitaba a cumplir órdenes.
FIN. lea más. read on.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
clic hacia abajo en español.
He had flunked at everything .Studying,painting,working,bussiness,love ,writing.That was his worst,yeah writing.But he tried hard and filled thousands of pages,and sent them to editors all over the country.
One day somebody sent one of his books to production due to an error.And then to the bookstores.
The critics tore him apart.He got invited to tv talk shows,where he got violently aggressive punching his detractors.One of them yelled at him that he should learn spelling before writing more trash.He countered saying that wasn't necessary since his readers didn't know how to spell either.His books began climbing into the best seller lists.Actually his pieces were quite idiotic in a stupid way.Now he started showing up totally drunk and wasted at tv interviews and other massive events.His book sales continued to climb,although no one would read them.They were truly unreadable.More like a lunatic's rant than to literature.But there was always a good line lost somewhere in his material,and that line would be quoted to exhaustion,and in turn would sell more books.It got to the point where it was a fashionable must to have his books,in spite of the fact that he no longer had any readers.He got the writer's lifetime achievement prize.He had arrived.
ahora ,en español.
Había transcurrido su vida entera como un perdedor.Fracasó en todo.En los estudios,en los empleos,en el amor,en el trabajo,en la pintura y hasta en la literatura.Especialmente en ésta última actividad.Pero a el le gustaba escribir,pues ahí podía expresar todas sus barrabasadas sin que nadie lo calláse como en el café con los amigos.Y escribió,más y más,llenando miles de cuartillas,las cuales incansablemente enviaba a diferentes editores por todo el país.Y por error de alguien en una casa literaria muy poderosa,un libro de él fué publicado y enviado a todas las tiendas y librerías.Los críticos hicieron reseñas vitriólicas,destazando todo lo referente a su autoría.Empezó a ser invitado a programas de comentarios en la tele y ahí era común que se lanzara a violentos golpes contra sus detractores.A un eminente profesor de literatura,quién causó su ira por decir que primero aprendiése ortografía antes de escribir libros;se le lanzó encima gritándole que si de verdad el sabía todo,a ver cómo se quitaba ésa golpiza que comenzó a darle.Y se armó un peleón que causó que lo invitasen a más programas y entrevistas.Luego le dió por llegar a las presentaciones borracho y fumigado como araña aplastada.Y las ventas de sus libros siguieron al alza.Y éso que sus escritos eran pésimos.Más bien parecían delirios de un lunático que lecturas de ficción.Pero no faltaba que algún publicista encontrase una frase rescatable de él,porque la empezaban a repetir todo el día en los medios.En realidad ya no había nadie que leyera sus obras,pero era un fenómeno de moda tener libros de él aunque fuesen unicamente para adornar los estantes.Precísamente cuando atravesaba por ésta etapa,lo nombraron autor del año,por su larga trayectoria en las letras.Había llegado.
THE END.---FIN---clic on comments give your opinions.Opine,gracias.
He had flunked at everything .Studying,painting,working,bussiness,love ,writing.That was his worst,yeah writing.But he tried hard and filled thousands of pages,and sent them to editors all over the country.
One day somebody sent one of his books to production due to an error.And then to the bookstores.
The critics tore him apart.He got invited to tv talk shows,where he got violently aggressive punching his detractors.One of them yelled at him that he should learn spelling before writing more trash.He countered saying that wasn't necessary since his readers didn't know how to spell either.His books began climbing into the best seller lists.Actually his pieces were quite idiotic in a stupid way.Now he started showing up totally drunk and wasted at tv interviews and other massive events.His book sales continued to climb,although no one would read them.They were truly unreadable.More like a lunatic's rant than to literature.But there was always a good line lost somewhere in his material,and that line would be quoted to exhaustion,and in turn would sell more books.It got to the point where it was a fashionable must to have his books,in spite of the fact that he no longer had any readers.He got the writer's lifetime achievement prize.He had arrived.
ahora ,en español.
Había transcurrido su vida entera como un perdedor.Fracasó en todo.En los estudios,en los empleos,en el amor,en el trabajo,en la pintura y hasta en la literatura.Especialmente en ésta última actividad.Pero a el le gustaba escribir,pues ahí podía expresar todas sus barrabasadas sin que nadie lo calláse como en el café con los amigos.Y escribió,más y más,llenando miles de cuartillas,las cuales incansablemente enviaba a diferentes editores por todo el país.Y por error de alguien en una casa literaria muy poderosa,un libro de él fué publicado y enviado a todas las tiendas y librerías.Los críticos hicieron reseñas vitriólicas,destazando todo lo referente a su autoría.Empezó a ser invitado a programas de comentarios en la tele y ahí era común que se lanzara a violentos golpes contra sus detractores.A un eminente profesor de literatura,quién causó su ira por decir que primero aprendiése ortografía antes de escribir libros;se le lanzó encima gritándole que si de verdad el sabía todo,a ver cómo se quitaba ésa golpiza que comenzó a darle.Y se armó un peleón que causó que lo invitasen a más programas y entrevistas.Luego le dió por llegar a las presentaciones borracho y fumigado como araña aplastada.Y las ventas de sus libros siguieron al alza.Y éso que sus escritos eran pésimos.Más bien parecían delirios de un lunático que lecturas de ficción.Pero no faltaba que algún publicista encontrase una frase rescatable de él,porque la empezaban a repetir todo el día en los medios.En realidad ya no había nadie que leyera sus obras,pero era un fenómeno de moda tener libros de él aunque fuesen unicamente para adornar los estantes.Precísamente cuando atravesaba por ésta etapa,lo nombraron autor del año,por su larga trayectoria en las letras.Había llegado.
THE END.---FIN---clic on comments give your opinions.Opine,gracias.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Micro story about spies---Micro relato acerca de espías. Copyright Carlos de la Parra. All stories in this site are bilingual.Clic through and you will find twin sites.Go to profile and clic through.
That beautiful spring morning his boss issued him a license to kill.He had a top clearance;he could now kill anyone no questions asked.Right then and there,he shot his boss in the head and called the cleaners.He never liked the bastard anyway.
Esa hermosa mañana de primavera,su jefe lo habilitó con una licencia para matar.Ahora él podía matar a cualquiera y no habría investigación.Ahí mismo le disparó a su jefe y llamó a los limpiadores.El bastardo nunca le había caído bien .
THE END---FIN---Haga clic por perfil y encuentre dos sitios gemelos.
Más micro relatos y localize más sitios increíbles.
Esa hermosa mañana de primavera,su jefe lo habilitó con una licencia para matar.Ahora él podía matar a cualquiera y no habría investigación.Ahí mismo le disparó a su jefe y llamó a los limpiadores.El bastardo nunca le había caído bien .
THE END---FIN---Haga clic por perfil y encuentre dos sitios gemelos.
Más micro relatos y localize más sitios increíbles.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
COMMENTS CONTEST----CONCURSO DE COMENTARIOS. opens it's 2010 contest for comments on our posts.
Winners will be announced at the end of each month,and the winner for the best comment of the month will in turn receive a comment on each of his posts.And a link for his/her blog will be published here.
The criteria for awards will be based on brilliance and wit of comments.
All the stories are published in english and spanish versions.Clic on comment at the end of each story you wish to review or opine on.
You may place as many opinions as you want to increase your chances of winning. declara abierto su concurso 2010 para comentarios en cada uno de nuestros posts.
Los ganadores serán anunciados a final de cada mes y como premio recibirán un comentario en cada post que tengan en su blog.Además aquí publicaremos un vínculo para enviarle tráfico a su blog.
El criterio para premiar estará basado en brillantez y agudeza de los comentarios.
Todos los relatos vienen en ambas lenguas;inglés y español.
Puede poner todos los comentarios que guste para aumentar probabilidades de ganar.
Al final de cada relato,haga clic en comments,y dé su opinión o crítica de los que sean de su agrado.
Winners will be announced at the end of each month,and the winner for the best comment of the month will in turn receive a comment on each of his posts.And a link for his/her blog will be published here.
The criteria for awards will be based on brilliance and wit of comments.
All the stories are published in english and spanish versions.Clic on comment at the end of each story you wish to review or opine on.
You may place as many opinions as you want to increase your chances of winning. declara abierto su concurso 2010 para comentarios en cada uno de nuestros posts.
Los ganadores serán anunciados a final de cada mes y como premio recibirán un comentario en cada post que tengan en su blog.Además aquí publicaremos un vínculo para enviarle tráfico a su blog.
El criterio para premiar estará basado en brillantez y agudeza de los comentarios.
Todos los relatos vienen en ambas lenguas;inglés y español.
Puede poner todos los comentarios que guste para aumentar probabilidades de ganar.
Al final de cada relato,haga clic en comments,y dé su opinión o crítica de los que sean de su agrado.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
THE READERS PLACE TO COMMENT---EL SITIO DE COMENTARIO DE LOS LECTORES. copyright Carlos de la Parra.Sigue versión en español.
For a good period of years, the writer used the comments from his readers as a tool to help him polish the quality of his narratives.And as to this matter he had at his disposal great experts,who were more than glad to discuss their views on his work,being that he was a famous writer,they felt flattered by all the attention he showered upon them.He wrote them letters,treated them to banquets and held meetings where he charmed them with his mastery of both the spoken and the written word.
But as he advanced in this endeavour of improving his writing a constant notch above the previous work,he reached such a standard of perfection that his readers would only praise all he did since he had upgraded his quality to unsurpassed heights,and he realized at this point that he was all alone as his own reader.
So he laboured on reading and rereading,writing and rewriting to exhaustion.When he published these superb books,he swept away all the major literary prizes that mattered,his stardom had grown tenfold.And then he arrived at the same feeling of despair that Alexander the Great had reached when there was no more world to conquer,and thus came to a neurotic conclusion,that it was so much praise and applause and basking in glory that prevented his advance ,so now he must sabotage himself to find a way to set his own bar higher.
To do this he figured out a way to write something so complicated about the human mind that writing this piece he went mad,and the results on paper were so undecipherable and senseless,that at the end even he could not understand what he had written.He died shortly before it was published.The critics loved it.
THE END. next,spanish version as promised.
Durante gran parte de su carrera,el escritor había utilizado los comentarios de sus lectores,como herramienta para ayudarse a pulir la calidad de su narrativa.
Y para éste menester contaba con lectores de suma pericia,grandes expertos,quienes gustosos le brindaban sus comentarios y colaboraban felices en dicha tarea,pues a su vez se sentían halagados por toda la importancia que les redituaba tener amistad con alguien tan famoso y quien les retribuía con satisfacciones consistentes en enviarles cartas ,invitarlos a banquetes y vertiendo sobre ellos cascadas de elogios públicamente.Y todos éstos expertos gozaban sentirse a la luz y recibir maravillosas frases laudatorias de tan ilustre exponente de la palabra hablada y escrita.
Pero,al ir avanzando y cosechando los frutos de éstos esfuerzos;en los cuales progresivamente se imponía un nivel de calidad que fuése superando cada publicación que lanzaba.Ésto causó tal efecto en su oficio,que su producción literaria alcanzó alturas que al rebasar la posibilidad de crítica,se tornaron tan brillantes que sus lectores ya solamente le daban alabanzas,y se encontró con que estaba sólo en la cumbre.Así que de ése instante en adelante tuvo que asumir en completo los roles de autor y de lector;y se sumergió con creciente intensidad en leer y releer,escribir y reescribir,con tal furor que multiplicó su estrellato a la enésima potencia.
Al presentarse éstas obras al mercado,arrasó con todos los premios mundiales de importancia.
Entonces fué que cayó en enorme sensación de vacío e impotencia paralela a la que sintió Alejandro Magno al ver que no había más por conquistar.
Y ésto lo trajo a la conclusión neurótica de que tanta fama y gloria lo tenían mareado y que era imperativo destruír lo logrado ,y que así saboteándose a sí mismo podría darse un respiro para renacer con bases de mayor exigencia.
Para lograr éste cometido,armó una pieza literaria tan complicada,que trataba acerca de los más profundos recovecos de la mente,que paralelamente lo llevó a enloquecer;y los resultados en papel se apreciaban tan bizarros e indescifrables que ni él mismo comprendía lo expuesto.
Falleció poco antes de publicarse ésta última aportación.A los críticos les encantó.
FIN. hagan clic por todo el sitio,tomaré en cuenta sus comentarios,para agradecércelos hacia superar lo que yo escribo,aunque en éstos tiempos parece que la gente ya no lee por lo cual dudo tener tales resultados,ésos estrellatos hoy día sólo son para tipos que juegan pelota.Que le vamos hacer.
But as he advanced in this endeavour of improving his writing a constant notch above the previous work,he reached such a standard of perfection that his readers would only praise all he did since he had upgraded his quality to unsurpassed heights,and he realized at this point that he was all alone as his own reader.
So he laboured on reading and rereading,writing and rewriting to exhaustion.When he published these superb books,he swept away all the major literary prizes that mattered,his stardom had grown tenfold.And then he arrived at the same feeling of despair that Alexander the Great had reached when there was no more world to conquer,and thus came to a neurotic conclusion,that it was so much praise and applause and basking in glory that prevented his advance ,so now he must sabotage himself to find a way to set his own bar higher.
To do this he figured out a way to write something so complicated about the human mind that writing this piece he went mad,and the results on paper were so undecipherable and senseless,that at the end even he could not understand what he had written.He died shortly before it was published.The critics loved it.
THE END. next,spanish version as promised.
Durante gran parte de su carrera,el escritor había utilizado los comentarios de sus lectores,como herramienta para ayudarse a pulir la calidad de su narrativa.
Y para éste menester contaba con lectores de suma pericia,grandes expertos,quienes gustosos le brindaban sus comentarios y colaboraban felices en dicha tarea,pues a su vez se sentían halagados por toda la importancia que les redituaba tener amistad con alguien tan famoso y quien les retribuía con satisfacciones consistentes en enviarles cartas ,invitarlos a banquetes y vertiendo sobre ellos cascadas de elogios públicamente.Y todos éstos expertos gozaban sentirse a la luz y recibir maravillosas frases laudatorias de tan ilustre exponente de la palabra hablada y escrita.
Pero,al ir avanzando y cosechando los frutos de éstos esfuerzos;en los cuales progresivamente se imponía un nivel de calidad que fuése superando cada publicación que lanzaba.Ésto causó tal efecto en su oficio,que su producción literaria alcanzó alturas que al rebasar la posibilidad de crítica,se tornaron tan brillantes que sus lectores ya solamente le daban alabanzas,y se encontró con que estaba sólo en la cumbre.Así que de ése instante en adelante tuvo que asumir en completo los roles de autor y de lector;y se sumergió con creciente intensidad en leer y releer,escribir y reescribir,con tal furor que multiplicó su estrellato a la enésima potencia.
Al presentarse éstas obras al mercado,arrasó con todos los premios mundiales de importancia.
Entonces fué que cayó en enorme sensación de vacío e impotencia paralela a la que sintió Alejandro Magno al ver que no había más por conquistar.
Y ésto lo trajo a la conclusión neurótica de que tanta fama y gloria lo tenían mareado y que era imperativo destruír lo logrado ,y que así saboteándose a sí mismo podría darse un respiro para renacer con bases de mayor exigencia.
Para lograr éste cometido,armó una pieza literaria tan complicada,que trataba acerca de los más profundos recovecos de la mente,que paralelamente lo llevó a enloquecer;y los resultados en papel se apreciaban tan bizarros e indescifrables que ni él mismo comprendía lo expuesto.
Falleció poco antes de publicarse ésta última aportación.A los críticos les encantó.
FIN. hagan clic por todo el sitio,tomaré en cuenta sus comentarios,para agradecércelos hacia superar lo que yo escribo,aunque en éstos tiempos parece que la gente ya no lee por lo cual dudo tener tales resultados,ésos estrellatos hoy día sólo son para tipos que juegan pelota.Que le vamos hacer.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
RESPECT RULES---EL RESPETO RIGE copyright Carlos de la Parra.
Alex Morales was having a beer at his usual table at the bar,when this guy comes over to him and greets him by saying---Hi scooter...---
So Alex slams a good dry punch in his mouth that brings blood spurting out and tells him sternly:
---That's the last time you ever call me scooter,to everyone here,my name is Alex Morales,you may think this scooter shit is hilarious,but your honor calls it alias.---
Everyone present clearly understood. No wonder amongst his friends he was known as "The secretary of public education".
THE END.clic on more small,medium and large stories.español and english.
Alex Morales bebía su cerveza en su mesa acostumbrada,cuando entra un amigo y le dirige un saludo en voz alta:"Hola Curro"...---
Así que Alex le planta un puñetazo seco en la boca que causó que le brotase sangre,y le dijo con severidad:
---"Ultima vez que me llamas Curro,a tí te parece algo de risa pero su señoría ,el juez,a eso le llama alias...--
Todos los presentes entendieron con claridad. Por algo entre los amigos ,a Alex se le conoce como"El secretario de educación pública."
FIN.siga haciendo clic más abajo y entérese de lo que sea y más.
So Alex slams a good dry punch in his mouth that brings blood spurting out and tells him sternly:
---That's the last time you ever call me scooter,to everyone here,my name is Alex Morales,you may think this scooter shit is hilarious,but your honor calls it alias.---
Everyone present clearly understood. No wonder amongst his friends he was known as "The secretary of public education".
THE END.clic on more small,medium and large stories.español and english.
Alex Morales bebía su cerveza en su mesa acostumbrada,cuando entra un amigo y le dirige un saludo en voz alta:"Hola Curro"...---
Así que Alex le planta un puñetazo seco en la boca que causó que le brotase sangre,y le dijo con severidad:
---"Ultima vez que me llamas Curro,a tí te parece algo de risa pero su señoría ,el juez,a eso le llama alias...--
Todos los presentes entendieron con claridad. Por algo entre los amigos ,a Alex se le conoce como"El secretario de educación pública."
FIN.siga haciendo clic más abajo y entérese de lo que sea y más.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Welcome,enjoy our new design,read on.
Bienvenido,disfrute nuestro nuevo diseño,lea,para bien.
Bienvenido,disfrute nuestro nuevo diseño,lea,para bien.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
CHICKEN RACING FRENZY----(y más abajo en éste sitio encuentre todo en versión en español) FRENESÍ DE CARRERAS DE GALLINAS.copyright Carlos de la Parra
By reading this very instant,you have been spared from a Greek tragedy style beginning.
Now moving on forward from this absurd and unnecessary explanation you are about to witness facts,that you might treasure for the rest of your life ,or not.
Charlie Reds had spent a good amount of his adulthood,(mid-forties),working at finding angles that would bring him,quick and easy money;but he was now mature enough to know that the easy no longer applied,so he tried to concentrate on the quick part.
Up to this point he had made some progress,quite slowly,but keeping his success graphics on the upwards,in the unusual bussiness of ice sculpting for banquets and weddings;and his secret trick consisted in making the sculptures from freezing water in large molds,which came in diverse shapes;swans,castles,towers,dinosaurs,
etc. and he would add this chemical to the water that would keep it longer from melting,so it would stand for the duration of the event. He would arrive earlier than the guests at the event,and start working polishing up details on the ice with power tools and small flame throwers,causing the effect in people's eyes that he had created the sculpture from a solid block of ice,and when finished he would always get a big hand from the audience ,which he loved.
But although bussiness had been stable and growing for Charlie,he ambitioned yet more;and this caused him to think up a scheme,in which he would set up a dirt track,where they would have racing chickens,and they would bet on the races;after all he lived in Vegas,and you could easily find people to bet on just about anything.
He had his eureka moment on a day that he went to a chicken ranch with one of the cooks who went there to pick up some live fowl ,to be slaughtered later for the banquet;it seems that the cook was to help him transport some of his ice works afterwards,because his truck was at the shop getting tuned up.So when he saw those chicken run for their lives as the cook and the farmer chased them around,the thought flashed in his mind.Chicken races.So he talked the farmer into renting him some space and some chickens.
The dirt track was oval shaped,and he separated each lane with a transparent plastic material,so you could see through,and this would keep chickens racing within their corresponding designated space.All around the track he rigged up an ingenious spray system that would cause jets of water to pursue the birds and make them run like the devil.
The Chicken Derby,was successfuly registered with the gambling commission,and it became an immediate hit with the locals,and Charlie Reds was very happy at his new endeavour,and the money was not bad,but there were also lots of expenses,such as advertising,maintenance,permits,parking ,whatnot;which kept draining from his income,not to mention that Charlie was hitting the party circuits and the casinos more often than usual,so his accounting was not fully matching his expectations;if he could just figure out a way to fix the Chicken Derby ,he could make enough in a couple of weeks to set himself up with his own spa in Costa Rica,where he would just lie in a hammock by the beach and have someone in Vegas send him all the customers for his personal paradise.
So he buried under each racing lane a metallic mesh that could deliver controlled intensity electric shocks to the chickens as they raced;and he had a control switch that allowed him to enable any specific lane with the electric current;and equally change it to a different one once he had a winner in the finish line;thus controlling
the trifectas to a point that would give him an increase in his edge.All he had to do is play it subtly not to arouse any suspicion.It worked.Charlie was on his way to riches.
Not to overdo it,he did not win every single race,played it really cool and laundered the money hiding it in plain sight in his casino cards,making it look like winnings on the tables,so far ,so good; but then he met Paola,an incredible beauty from Italy;and he fell so madly in love with her,that he proposed marriage and convinced her to follow him to Costa Rica,to have their honeymoon there and help him launch his spa.
So now he started rushing the winnings a little more to supplement his expenses for the wedding,engagement ring,and wining and dining Paola and her 16 closest italian relatives,part of a growing number that kept gradually increasing when the word got around that Paola was engaged to the owner of The Chicken Derby,and that he was a big spender treating the whole family to a non stop party all over Vegas.
Charlie organized all his newly acquired family to place bets for him,and they were only too happy to oblige and this became a win win situation for all involved,because Charlie would give them a cut and now they either partied on their own penny or competed to pick up the check when they went out with the engaged couple,and this made it a great arrangement for all involved.
By this time Charlie Reds had already bought out the chicken farmer and the operation was 100% owned by him.And he was having a fantastic lifestyle,but his inner voice kep pressing him to get the Spa ready,before some bigger fish started coveting his turf;this town had a lot of major players that could easily displace him by setting up some bigger better competing similar Chicken Derby.
Then that high season holiday sunday came up,and when he saw the crowd had come to his place like a human Tsunami;at least 15thousand people had swarmed the races;he made up his mind right then and there and rigged up some bets in a big way,cashing in pretty hard.It was like divine justice come true.
They were here to bring him the money and set him free forever in his very own echological paradise,he could see himself training monkeys to wait on the tables,he felt powerful as a bussinessman.He had arrived.
And the tide of people came rolling in with fury.In a few weeks he had put away three million after taxes;with those numbers in hand ;he cleansed all the tracks of rigging the chicken races,sold the place to a local honcho for ten million,and he was able to purchase his own private bay,with a gorgeous little island included in his property.Although Paola and he lived there happily ever after,not everything was perfect.The damn monkey
kept drinking his beer.
THE END.CLIC ON FOR MORE.spanish version soon.
Now moving on forward from this absurd and unnecessary explanation you are about to witness facts,that you might treasure for the rest of your life ,or not.
Charlie Reds had spent a good amount of his adulthood,(mid-forties),working at finding angles that would bring him,quick and easy money;but he was now mature enough to know that the easy no longer applied,so he tried to concentrate on the quick part.
Up to this point he had made some progress,quite slowly,but keeping his success graphics on the upwards,in the unusual bussiness of ice sculpting for banquets and weddings;and his secret trick consisted in making the sculptures from freezing water in large molds,which came in diverse shapes;swans,castles,towers,dinosaurs,
etc. and he would add this chemical to the water that would keep it longer from melting,so it would stand for the duration of the event. He would arrive earlier than the guests at the event,and start working polishing up details on the ice with power tools and small flame throwers,causing the effect in people's eyes that he had created the sculpture from a solid block of ice,and when finished he would always get a big hand from the audience ,which he loved.
But although bussiness had been stable and growing for Charlie,he ambitioned yet more;and this caused him to think up a scheme,in which he would set up a dirt track,where they would have racing chickens,and they would bet on the races;after all he lived in Vegas,and you could easily find people to bet on just about anything.
He had his eureka moment on a day that he went to a chicken ranch with one of the cooks who went there to pick up some live fowl ,to be slaughtered later for the banquet;it seems that the cook was to help him transport some of his ice works afterwards,because his truck was at the shop getting tuned up.So when he saw those chicken run for their lives as the cook and the farmer chased them around,the thought flashed in his mind.Chicken races.So he talked the farmer into renting him some space and some chickens.
The dirt track was oval shaped,and he separated each lane with a transparent plastic material,so you could see through,and this would keep chickens racing within their corresponding designated space.All around the track he rigged up an ingenious spray system that would cause jets of water to pursue the birds and make them run like the devil.
The Chicken Derby,was successfuly registered with the gambling commission,and it became an immediate hit with the locals,and Charlie Reds was very happy at his new endeavour,and the money was not bad,but there were also lots of expenses,such as advertising,maintenance,permits,parking ,whatnot;which kept draining from his income,not to mention that Charlie was hitting the party circuits and the casinos more often than usual,so his accounting was not fully matching his expectations;if he could just figure out a way to fix the Chicken Derby ,he could make enough in a couple of weeks to set himself up with his own spa in Costa Rica,where he would just lie in a hammock by the beach and have someone in Vegas send him all the customers for his personal paradise.
So he buried under each racing lane a metallic mesh that could deliver controlled intensity electric shocks to the chickens as they raced;and he had a control switch that allowed him to enable any specific lane with the electric current;and equally change it to a different one once he had a winner in the finish line;thus controlling
the trifectas to a point that would give him an increase in his edge.All he had to do is play it subtly not to arouse any suspicion.It worked.Charlie was on his way to riches.
Not to overdo it,he did not win every single race,played it really cool and laundered the money hiding it in plain sight in his casino cards,making it look like winnings on the tables,so far ,so good; but then he met Paola,an incredible beauty from Italy;and he fell so madly in love with her,that he proposed marriage and convinced her to follow him to Costa Rica,to have their honeymoon there and help him launch his spa.
So now he started rushing the winnings a little more to supplement his expenses for the wedding,engagement ring,and wining and dining Paola and her 16 closest italian relatives,part of a growing number that kept gradually increasing when the word got around that Paola was engaged to the owner of The Chicken Derby,and that he was a big spender treating the whole family to a non stop party all over Vegas.
Charlie organized all his newly acquired family to place bets for him,and they were only too happy to oblige and this became a win win situation for all involved,because Charlie would give them a cut and now they either partied on their own penny or competed to pick up the check when they went out with the engaged couple,and this made it a great arrangement for all involved.
By this time Charlie Reds had already bought out the chicken farmer and the operation was 100% owned by him.And he was having a fantastic lifestyle,but his inner voice kep pressing him to get the Spa ready,before some bigger fish started coveting his turf;this town had a lot of major players that could easily displace him by setting up some bigger better competing similar Chicken Derby.
Then that high season holiday sunday came up,and when he saw the crowd had come to his place like a human Tsunami;at least 15thousand people had swarmed the races;he made up his mind right then and there and rigged up some bets in a big way,cashing in pretty hard.It was like divine justice come true.
They were here to bring him the money and set him free forever in his very own echological paradise,he could see himself training monkeys to wait on the tables,he felt powerful as a bussinessman.He had arrived.
And the tide of people came rolling in with fury.In a few weeks he had put away three million after taxes;with those numbers in hand ;he cleansed all the tracks of rigging the chicken races,sold the place to a local honcho for ten million,and he was able to purchase his own private bay,with a gorgeous little island included in his property.Although Paola and he lived there happily ever after,not everything was perfect.The damn monkey
kept drinking his beer.
THE END.CLIC ON FOR MORE.spanish version soon.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
CHEF PACO.copyright Carlos de la Parra. English and spanish versions on all posts.JUST CLIC ON.
Chef Paco never gave up.No matter how big the odds might be against him.So when the crew closed the gas in his building for repairs,he thinly sliced the meat,marinated it in a garlic-mango sauce and cooked it with a blow dryer.
El Chef Paco jamás se rajaba.Cuando los de reparaciones urbanas le cortaron el gas de su edificio;él,sin
detenerse un sólo segundo;rebanó la carne en delgados filetes,la salseó con puré de mango al ajo,y la terminó de cocinar con la secadora de pelo.
The end.---FIN. clic on.Lea más. Su cerebro se lo agradecerá o lo contrario.
El Chef Paco jamás se rajaba.Cuando los de reparaciones urbanas le cortaron el gas de su edificio;él,sin
detenerse un sólo segundo;rebanó la carne en delgados filetes,la salseó con puré de mango al ajo,y la terminó de cocinar con la secadora de pelo.
The end.---FIN. clic on.Lea más. Su cerebro se lo agradecerá o lo contrario.
A TRUE DOWNTOWNWER---AUTÉNTICO TIPO MEGAURBANO copyright Carlos de la Parra.Do not read this if you can not stand an act of brutality in a vegetarian restaurant.
The guy looked like a giant who had escaped the psycho ward.
He began his total display of violence by kicking tables in the restaurant so fiercely they flew up to the ceiling bouncing and smashing with all the subsequent shattering of dishes and glasses,women screaming and everyone retreating to the end of the dining room.As if this were not enough to command everyone's attention
he sprayed the walls with automatic weapon fire pulverizing the mirrored panels.
He grabbed the grill cook by the collar and shook him up pretty hard and ordered him to prepare a stack of steaks he carried in a bag to medium rare doneness.Once the meat was ready he forced all the terrified customers to eat the beef.
Contrary to what was said on the news,he was not a carnivore,but an iconoclastic vegetarian.
THE END.sigue versión en español
NOTA: No lea ésto que sigue si usted es el tipo de persona que no soporta que sucedan actos de brutalidad en el interior de restaurantes vegetarianos.
El tipo tenía la pinta de un gigante furioso fugado de algún psiquiátrico para criminales.
Comenzó su acto de brutal violencia entrando al restaurante y pateando mesas hacia el techo con tal fuerza que las hacía rebotar del mismo y todo entre el ruidero de platos y vasos haciéndose añicos al caer ;las mujeres gritaban y todo mundo corría a refugiarse hacia el fondo del comedor.Como si ésto no bastase para llamar la atención ,soltó una ráfaga de metralla contra los paneles de espejo de los muros laterales,pulverizándolos.
Tomó al parrillero del cuello de la camisa y lo sacudió con fiereza,y le ordenó preparar un altero de bisteces que cargaba en un costal,exigiendo quedaran a término medio.Una vez lista la carne obligó a todos los comensales a engullir la res .
Contrario a lo que comentaron las noticias el energúmeno no era un carnívoro sino un vegetariano iconoclasta.
FIN. esperamos sigan viendo por todo éste sitio;y el sitio vecino de éste blog.
He began his total display of violence by kicking tables in the restaurant so fiercely they flew up to the ceiling bouncing and smashing with all the subsequent shattering of dishes and glasses,women screaming and everyone retreating to the end of the dining room.As if this were not enough to command everyone's attention
he sprayed the walls with automatic weapon fire pulverizing the mirrored panels.
He grabbed the grill cook by the collar and shook him up pretty hard and ordered him to prepare a stack of steaks he carried in a bag to medium rare doneness.Once the meat was ready he forced all the terrified customers to eat the beef.
Contrary to what was said on the news,he was not a carnivore,but an iconoclastic vegetarian.
THE END.sigue versión en español
NOTA: No lea ésto que sigue si usted es el tipo de persona que no soporta que sucedan actos de brutalidad en el interior de restaurantes vegetarianos.
El tipo tenía la pinta de un gigante furioso fugado de algún psiquiátrico para criminales.
Comenzó su acto de brutal violencia entrando al restaurante y pateando mesas hacia el techo con tal fuerza que las hacía rebotar del mismo y todo entre el ruidero de platos y vasos haciéndose añicos al caer ;las mujeres gritaban y todo mundo corría a refugiarse hacia el fondo del comedor.Como si ésto no bastase para llamar la atención ,soltó una ráfaga de metralla contra los paneles de espejo de los muros laterales,pulverizándolos.
Tomó al parrillero del cuello de la camisa y lo sacudió con fiereza,y le ordenó preparar un altero de bisteces que cargaba en un costal,exigiendo quedaran a término medio.Una vez lista la carne obligó a todos los comensales a engullir la res .
Contrario a lo que comentaron las noticias el energúmeno no era un carnívoro sino un vegetariano iconoclasta.
FIN. esperamos sigan viendo por todo éste sitio;y el sitio vecino de éste blog.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
MINI MICRO NANO copyright Carlos de la Parra.English version follows spanish one.
Acabo de escribir el cuento más pequeño de la historia.Vaya por un microscopio para leerlo.
I just finished the smallest story ever.Go get the microscope to read it.
I just finished the smallest story ever.Go get the microscope to read it.
Monday, January 18, 2010
WALL STREET UPDATE---WALL STREET ACTUALIZADO.copyright Carlos de la Parra.spanish and english versions to all readers here.Just clic all over.
El magnate Don Atilano contemplaba diariamente la progresiva caída de la bolsa a la vez que las noticias de sus colegas millonarios quienes ahí pasaban lista de suicidios.
Ésa mañana el reflexionó que optar por la muerte éra un error craso;pues la vida contenía infinitas ofertas para el ser humano aparte del beneficio de poder y consumo que brinda el dinero en exceso.Tales como el amor,la convivencia en familia,incluso los placeres sencillos cotidianos que él con frecuencia disfrutaba alimentando ardillas y pajaritos en el parque en los días soleados
.Muy desafortunadamente para Don Atilano,todo ésto lo descubrió al ir pasando por el piso 27 al ir en caída libre hacia la acera.
FIN...LEA 100 más cuentitos,haga clic en OLDER POSTS.
The powerful tycoon Attleberry B.Carlton;better known in finantial circles as ABC,for his tremendous visionary powers in the stock market;found himself exposed to a combination of news about the market crash and the consequent series of suicides comitted by his fellow top investors.He reflected on what an extreme error it was to kill oneself,in face of the fact that life offered such a vast variety of values beyond accumulation of whealth and the power this bestows upon a man.Such as love,family reunions,or even the plain daily pleasure he derived from feeding the birds and squirrels on sunny days.Unfortunately for him,he meditated on all these issues as he was passing the 27th floor of the skyscraper amidst his free fall towards the sidewalk.
THE END. read on...clic on older posts,and take in this variety of stories.
Ésa mañana el reflexionó que optar por la muerte éra un error craso;pues la vida contenía infinitas ofertas para el ser humano aparte del beneficio de poder y consumo que brinda el dinero en exceso.Tales como el amor,la convivencia en familia,incluso los placeres sencillos cotidianos que él con frecuencia disfrutaba alimentando ardillas y pajaritos en el parque en los días soleados
.Muy desafortunadamente para Don Atilano,todo ésto lo descubrió al ir pasando por el piso 27 al ir en caída libre hacia la acera.
FIN...LEA 100 más cuentitos,haga clic en OLDER POSTS.
The powerful tycoon Attleberry B.Carlton;better known in finantial circles as ABC,for his tremendous visionary powers in the stock market;found himself exposed to a combination of news about the market crash and the consequent series of suicides comitted by his fellow top investors.He reflected on what an extreme error it was to kill oneself,in face of the fact that life offered such a vast variety of values beyond accumulation of whealth and the power this bestows upon a man.Such as love,family reunions,or even the plain daily pleasure he derived from feeding the birds and squirrels on sunny days.Unfortunately for him,he meditated on all these issues as he was passing the 27th floor of the skyscraper amidst his free fall towards the sidewalk.
THE END. read on...clic on older posts,and take in this variety of stories.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
LA PARADOJA DEL ESPEJO-----THE MIRROR'S PARADOX copyright Carlos de la Parra.go below for english version .all posts are bilingual.
A Gurdonio le salían mal los inventos,pero a terco no le ganaba nadie;así que cuando le cuajó en la masa encefálica la idea de como crear una máquina que le permitiése huír al pasado,vislumbró la adicional ventaja consistente en que una vez llegando a épocas antiguas,ahí por causa del natural retraso que aquellas sociedades tendrían en comparación con los conocimientos mecánicos que él ya tenía,lo convertirían en poseedor de inmensas ventajas sociales y económicas.Y que se dá manos a la obra y arma un tambo de latón,repleto de luces,y que lo arma en un dos por tres, pues las ideas brillantes son sencillas ,y si no lo creen piensen en inventos como la cubeta,o los escalones sin los cuales no hubiése habido casas de dos pisos durante siglos,hásta la invención del ascensor para ser exacto.
Bien pues ya listo éste extraño cacharro,se metió dentro Gurdonio,quién encendió el interruptor,y tal cual lo había previsto;entre tronidos y chispazos,relumbrones y ruidos que hicieron correr a los perros;que se nos traslada ,este hombre al pasado,más su viaje en el tiempo no lo colocó en eras ancestrales que él calculaba,sino que unicamente regresó en el tiempo media hora,y se topó justo con el momento en que su mujer le había estado riñendo a gritos que porqué no se quitaba de inventos y mejor se consiguiése un empleo;y ahí no le quedó más opción que darse cuenta de que por el momento seguía atrapado en el presente.Al igual que muchos de nosotros.
FIN...gracias por su amable atención...busque más cuentitos de la vida ...más de 100...en éste sitio...
Old Gurney was a failed inventor but stubborn as a howling dog in winter,so he figured that he could do much better by traveling in time to the past.A man with all his technical knowledge was bound to be viewed as some sort of rare genius by someone let us say in the middle ages,affording him tremendous advantage in that type of society.So he quickly built his time machine,out of a simple vision he had;since he was aware that great inventions were full of simplicity,like the water bucket,or steps;without which we would have had to wait for centuries to be able to go upstairs ,and there would not have been a two story house or a building existing until the elevator were invented.In no time he had assembled something that looked like a science fiction trashcan,with lights and cables and all,he got inside, closed the lid,and popping and smoking and causing the dogs to run in panic,he did achieve time travel into the past;but it was only a half an hour lapse,so he arrived to the exact moment when his wife was yelling and nagging him to get a decent job.Right then and there,he knew he was trapped into the so many of us are.
THE more little stories...more than 100 here....If you are an advertiser,contact AdSense and get them to place some ads in all this available space.
Bien pues ya listo éste extraño cacharro,se metió dentro Gurdonio,quién encendió el interruptor,y tal cual lo había previsto;entre tronidos y chispazos,relumbrones y ruidos que hicieron correr a los perros;que se nos traslada ,este hombre al pasado,más su viaje en el tiempo no lo colocó en eras ancestrales que él calculaba,sino que unicamente regresó en el tiempo media hora,y se topó justo con el momento en que su mujer le había estado riñendo a gritos que porqué no se quitaba de inventos y mejor se consiguiése un empleo;y ahí no le quedó más opción que darse cuenta de que por el momento seguía atrapado en el presente.Al igual que muchos de nosotros.
FIN...gracias por su amable atención...busque más cuentitos de la vida ...más de 100...en éste sitio...
Old Gurney was a failed inventor but stubborn as a howling dog in winter,so he figured that he could do much better by traveling in time to the past.A man with all his technical knowledge was bound to be viewed as some sort of rare genius by someone let us say in the middle ages,affording him tremendous advantage in that type of society.So he quickly built his time machine,out of a simple vision he had;since he was aware that great inventions were full of simplicity,like the water bucket,or steps;without which we would have had to wait for centuries to be able to go upstairs ,and there would not have been a two story house or a building existing until the elevator were invented.In no time he had assembled something that looked like a science fiction trashcan,with lights and cables and all,he got inside, closed the lid,and popping and smoking and causing the dogs to run in panic,he did achieve time travel into the past;but it was only a half an hour lapse,so he arrived to the exact moment when his wife was yelling and nagging him to get a decent job.Right then and there,he knew he was trapped into the so many of us are.
THE more little stories...more than 100 here....If you are an advertiser,contact AdSense and get them to place some ads in all this available space.
travels and memories.
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